Parasol Planning Library (PPL)

This is an example of how to use the MPLibrary methods.

void MPLibraryUseCase() {
// The MPProblem holds the representation of the motion planning problem. It
// includes things such as the environment, the tasks, and the robots. It is
// typically defined and parsed from an XML file.
MPProblem* mpProblem = this->GetMPProblem();
// MPTask defines the motion planning task. If assigned to a specific robot,
// the robot will perform the motion planning task. If not assigned (nullptr),
// any robot can complete the task. An MPTask can be created by defining a
// robot, start and goal constraints, and, if necessary, path constraints.
// MPTasks can also be defined and parsed from an XML file.
MPTask* task = new MPTask(<Specified Robot*>);
// MPSolution stores the motion plan solved by the planning algorithm. It
// contains information such as the roadmap and path for each robot. It can be
// created by passing in the robot to which the motion plan applies to.
MPSolution* solution = new MPSolution(<Specified Robot*>);
// The solver label is a string that corresponds to the XML node label for the
// motion planning algorithm you would like to use to solve the motion
// planning problem.
std::string solverLabel = "PRM";
// The seed is used to control any random generators used within the solver.
long seed = 1234;
// The base filename is a string that is used to name all output files.
// Output files can be set in the XML file and can contain information
// pertaining to the performance of the solver.
std::string baseFilename = "MPLibrary_Example";
// The solve call within the MPLibrary will take in all of the information
// provided from the MPProblem, MPTask and use the specified solver to store
// the path solution in the provided MPSolution object.
this->GetMPLibrary()->Solve(mpProblem, task, solution, solverLabel, seed,
Definition: MPProblem.h:34
Definition: MPTask.h:46
Definition: Robot.h:31