Parasol Planning Library (PPL)
Data Structures | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions
SSSP.h File Reference
#include <functional>
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <limits>
#include <list>
#include <memory>
#include <queue>
#include <set>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <vector>
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Data Structures

struct  SSSPOutput< GraphType >
 The output of an SSSP run. More...
struct  TwoVariableSSSPNode


template<typename GraphType >
using SSSPAdjacencyMap = std::unordered_map< typename GraphType::vertex_descriptor, std::vector< typename GraphType::vertex_descriptor > >
template<typename GraphType >
using SSSPTerminationCriterion = std::function< SSSPTermination(typename GraphType::vertex_iterator &, const SSSPOutput< GraphType > &_sssp)>
template<typename GraphType >
using SSSPPathWeightFunction = std::function< double(typename GraphType::adj_edge_iterator &, const double, const double)>
template<typename GraphType >
using SSSPHeuristicFunction = std::function< double(const GraphType *g, typename GraphType::vertex_descriptor source, typename GraphType::vertex_descriptor target)>
template<typename GraphType >
using SSSPNeighborsFunction = std::function< void(GraphType *g, typename GraphType::vertex_descriptor vd)>


enum class  SSSPTermination { Continue , EndBranch , EndSearch }
 The possible early-termination conditions for an SSSP run. More...


std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &_os, const SSSPTermination &_t)
 Debug output for termination criteria. More...
template<typename GraphType >
SSSPTerminationCriterion< GraphType > SSSPDefaultTermination ()
template<typename GraphType >
SSSPPathWeightFunction< GraphType > SSSPDefaultPathWeight ()
template<typename GraphType >
SSSPHeuristicFunction< GraphType > SSSPDefaultHeuristic ()
template<typename GraphType >
SSSPNeighborsFunction< GraphType > SSSPDefaultNeighbors ()
template<typename GraphType >
SSSPOutput< GraphType > AStarSSSP (GraphType *const _g, const std::vector< typename GraphType::vertex_descriptor > &_starts, std::vector< typename GraphType::vertex_descriptor > &_goals, SSSPPathWeightFunction< GraphType > &_weight, SSSPHeuristicFunction< GraphType > &_heuristic, SSSPNeighborsFunction< GraphType > &_neighbors, SSSPTerminationCriterion< GraphType > &_earlyStop, const double _startDistance=0)
template<typename GraphType >
SSSPOutput< GraphType > AStarSSSP (GraphType *const _g, const std::vector< typename GraphType::vertex_descriptor > &_starts, std::vector< typename GraphType::vertex_descriptor > &_goals, SSSPPathWeightFunction< GraphType > &_weight, SSSPTerminationCriterion< GraphType > &_earlyStop)
template<typename GraphType >
SSSPOutput< GraphType > DijkstraSSSP (GraphType *const _g, const std::vector< typename GraphType::vertex_descriptor > &_starts, SSSPPathWeightFunction< GraphType > &_weight, SSSPTerminationCriterion< GraphType > &_earlyStop, const SSSPAdjacencyMap< GraphType > &_adjacencyMap={}, const double _startDistance=0)
template<typename GraphType >
SSSPOutput< GraphType > DijkstraSSSP (GraphType *const _g, const std::vector< typename GraphType::vertex_descriptor > &_starts, SSSPPathWeightFunction< GraphType > &_weight, const SSSPAdjacencyMap< GraphType > &_adjacencyMap={})
template<typename GraphType >
SSSPOutput< GraphType > DijkstraSSSP (GraphType *const _g, const std::vector< typename GraphType::vertex_descriptor > &_starts, SSSPTerminationCriterion< GraphType > &_stop, const SSSPAdjacencyMap< GraphType > &_adjacencyMap={})
template<typename GraphType >
SSSPOutput< GraphType > DijkstraSSSP (GraphType *const _g, const std::vector< typename GraphType::vertex_descriptor > &_starts, const SSSPAdjacencyMap< GraphType > &_adjacencyMap={})
template<typename GraphType >
std::shared_ptr< TwoVariableSSSPNodeTwoVariableDijkstraSSSP (GraphType *const _g, const std::vector< typename GraphType::vertex_descriptor > &_starts, std::unordered_set< size_t > _goals, const double _startTime, const double _minEndTime, const double _lastConstraint, const double _lastGoalConstraint, SSSPPathWeightFunction< GraphType > &_weight)

Typedef Documentation

◆ SSSPAdjacencyMap

template<typename GraphType >
using SSSPAdjacencyMap = std::unordered_map<typename GraphType::vertex_descriptor, std::vector<typename GraphType::vertex_descriptor> >

A descriptor-based adjacency map. Can model alternative adjacency mappings and successors from an SSSP run.

◆ SSSPHeuristicFunction

template<typename GraphType >
using SSSPHeuristicFunction = std::function<double( const GraphType* g, typename GraphType::vertex_descriptor source, typename GraphType::vertex_descriptor target)>

Define heuristic function for SSSP. This takes the graph, source node and target node. It should return a value representing some estimate of the cost left to finish the search.

◆ SSSPNeighborsFunction

template<typename GraphType >
using SSSPNeighborsFunction = std::function<void( GraphType* g, typename GraphType::vertex_descriptor vd)>

Define neighbors function for SSSP. This takes in the graph and the current node to get the neighbors of. This should return a vertex iterator of the neighbors.

◆ SSSPPathWeightFunction

template<typename GraphType >
using SSSPPathWeightFunction = std::function<double(typename GraphType::adj_edge_iterator&, const double, const double)>

Define a path weight function for SSSP. This takes an edge iterator and the best path distances to the source and target nodes found so far. It should return the new target path distance that would be achieved by using this edge instead of the previous best. Use infinity to represent an untraversable edge or max double to represent a worst-case (but still traversable) edge.

◆ SSSPTerminationCriterion

template<typename GraphType >
using SSSPTerminationCriterion = std::function<SSSPTermination(typename GraphType::vertex_iterator&, const SSSPOutput<GraphType>& _sssp)>

Define an early termination criterion as a function which takes a vertex iterator and the current output object.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ SSSPTermination

enum SSSPTermination

The possible early-termination conditions for an SSSP run.


Proceed as usual.


End the branch at this vertex and do not relax its neighbors.


End the entire search process.

Function Documentation

◆ AStarSSSP() [1/2]

template<typename GraphType >
SSSPOutput<GraphType> AStarSSSP ( GraphType *const  _g,
const std::vector< typename GraphType::vertex_descriptor > &  _starts,
std::vector< typename GraphType::vertex_descriptor > &  _goals,
SSSPPathWeightFunction< GraphType > &  _weight,
SSSPHeuristicFunction< GraphType > &  _heuristic,
SSSPNeighborsFunction< GraphType > &  _neighbors,
SSSPTerminationCriterion< GraphType > &  _earlyStop,
const double  _startDistance = 0 

Compute the SSSP through a graph from a start node to a goal node with A* algorithm

_gThe graph pointer.
_startsThe vertex descriptors to start from.
_goalsThe vertex descriptors to find shortest path to.
_weightThe function for determining total path weight.
_heuristicThe function for determining heuristic cost.
_neighborsThe function for getting neighbors of a given node.
An output object which contains discovered information.

An element in the priority queue for A*, representing one instance of discovering a cell. Cells may be discovered multiple times from different, parents with different distances.

< The parent cell descriptor.

< This cell descriptor.

< Computed distance to this cell at time of insertion.

< Computed heuristic at time of insertion.

Construct an element for the search queue.

_parentThe parent node descriptor.
_targetThe target node descriptor.
_gThe distance from starting node to this node.
_hThe heuristic value for this node.

Total ordering by decreasing f = g + h

◆ AStarSSSP() [2/2]

template<typename GraphType >
SSSPOutput<GraphType> AStarSSSP ( GraphType *const  _g,
const std::vector< typename GraphType::vertex_descriptor > &  _starts,
std::vector< typename GraphType::vertex_descriptor > &  _goals,
SSSPPathWeightFunction< GraphType > &  _weight,
SSSPTerminationCriterion< GraphType > &  _earlyStop 

Compute the SSSP through a graph from a start node to a goal node with A* algorithm

_gThe graph pointer.
_startsThe vertex descriptors to start from.
_goalsThe vertex descriptors to find shortest path to.
_weightThe function for determining total path weight.
_heuristicThe function for determining heuristic cost.
_neighborsThe function for getting neighbors of a given node.
An output object which contains discovered information.

◆ DijkstraSSSP() [1/4]

template<typename GraphType >
SSSPOutput<GraphType> DijkstraSSSP ( GraphType *const  _g,
const std::vector< typename GraphType::vertex_descriptor > &  _starts,
const SSSPAdjacencyMap< GraphType > &  _adjacencyMap = {} 

Compute the SSSP through a graph from a start node with Dijkstra's algorithm. Use the standard path weight and termination criterion.

_gThe graph pointer.
_startsThe vertex descriptors to start from.
An output object which contains the discovered information.

◆ DijkstraSSSP() [2/4]

template<typename GraphType >
SSSPOutput<GraphType> DijkstraSSSP ( GraphType *const  _g,
const std::vector< typename GraphType::vertex_descriptor > &  _starts,
SSSPPathWeightFunction< GraphType > &  _weight,
const SSSPAdjacencyMap< GraphType > &  _adjacencyMap = {} 

Compute the SSSP through a graph from a start node with Dijkstra's algorithm. Use the standard termination criterion.

_gThe graph pointer.
_startsThe vertex descriptors to start from.
_weightThe function for determining total path weight.
An output object which contains the discovered information.

◆ DijkstraSSSP() [3/4]

template<typename GraphType >
SSSPOutput<GraphType> DijkstraSSSP ( GraphType *const  _g,
const std::vector< typename GraphType::vertex_descriptor > &  _starts,
SSSPPathWeightFunction< GraphType > &  _weight,
SSSPTerminationCriterion< GraphType > &  _earlyStop,
const SSSPAdjacencyMap< GraphType > &  _adjacencyMap = {},
const double  _startDistance = 0 

Compute the SSSP through a graph from a start node with Dijkstra's algorithm.

_gThe graph pointer.
_startsThe vertex descriptors to start from.
_weightThe function for determining total path weight.
_earlyStopThe early termination criterion.
An output object which contains the discovered information.

An element in the PQ for dijkstra's, representing one instance of discovering a cell. Cells may be discovered multiple times from different parents with different distances.

< The parent cell descriptor.

< This cell descriptor.

< Computed distance at the time of insertion.

Construct an element for the search queue.

_parentThe parent node descriptor.
_targetThe target node descriptor.
_distanceThe distance from parent to target.

Total ordering by decreasing distance.

◆ DijkstraSSSP() [4/4]

template<typename GraphType >
SSSPOutput<GraphType> DijkstraSSSP ( GraphType *const  _g,
const std::vector< typename GraphType::vertex_descriptor > &  _starts,
SSSPTerminationCriterion< GraphType > &  _stop,
const SSSPAdjacencyMap< GraphType > &  _adjacencyMap = {} 

Compute the SSSP through a graph from a start node with Dijkstra's algorithm. Use the standard path weight.

_gThe graph pointer.
_startsThe vertex descriptors to start from.
_stopThe termination criterion.
An output object which contains the discovered information.

◆ operator<<()

std::ostream& operator<< ( std::ostream &  _os,
const SSSPTermination _t 

Debug output for termination criteria.

◆ SSSPDefaultHeuristic()

template<typename GraphType >
SSSPHeuristicFunction<GraphType> SSSPDefaultHeuristic ( )

Create a standard SSSP heuristic function.

A heuristic function of 0 for every node

◆ SSSPDefaultNeighbors()

template<typename GraphType >
SSSPNeighborsFunction<GraphType> SSSPDefaultNeighbors ( )

Create a standard SSSP neighbors function.


◆ SSSPDefaultPathWeight()

template<typename GraphType >
SSSPPathWeightFunction<GraphType> SSSPDefaultPathWeight ( )

Create a standard SSSP weight function.

A path weight function which adds the edge property weight to the source distance.

◆ SSSPDefaultTermination()

template<typename GraphType >
SSSPTerminationCriterion<GraphType> SSSPDefaultTermination ( )

Create a standard SSSP stop criterion.

A termination criterion which never stops early.

◆ TwoVariableDijkstraSSSP()

template<typename GraphType >
std::shared_ptr<TwoVariableSSSPNode> TwoVariableDijkstraSSSP ( GraphType *const  _g,
const std::vector< typename GraphType::vertex_descriptor > &  _starts,
std::unordered_set< size_t >  _goals,
const double  _startTime,
const double  _minEndTime,
const double  _lastConstraint,
const double  _lastGoalConstraint,
SSSPPathWeightFunction< GraphType > &  _weight 
If we want to add waiting, it should be added as a self edge here