Parasol Planning Library (PPL)

This is an example of how to use the sampler methods.

void SamplersUseCase() {
// Get the Sampler by the XML node label.
std::string samplerLabel = "UniformRandom";
SamplerMethod* sampler = this->GetSampler(samplerLabel);
// Define the number of desired samples.
size_t numNodes = 100;
// Define the maximum number of attempts for each sample.
size_t maxAttempts = 3;
// The boundary we want to sample from. We can get a boundary from our
// environment.
Boundary* boundary = this->GetEnvironment()->GetBoundary();
// A vector in which all valid generated samples will be stored.
std::vector<CfgType> validSamples;
// The sample method samples new points within the specified boundaries. It
// then inserts the valid configurations into the provided vector.
sampler->Sample(numNodes, maxAttempts, boundary,
// The set of configurations to apply the sampler rule to.
std::vector<CfgType> inputCfgs = <Set of Configurations>;
// The vector in which all valid filtered samples will be stored.
std::vector<CfgType> validFilteredSamples;
// Use the Filter method to apply the Sampler method to a list of input
// configurations. The returned valid list will be a subset of the inputs
// containing the resulting valid configurations.
sampler->Filter(inputCfgs.begin(), inputCfgs.end(), maxAttempts, boundary,
Definition: Boundary.h:30
Definition: SamplerMethod.h:70
virtual void Filter(InputIterator _first, InputIterator _last, size_t _maxAttempts, const Boundary *const _boundary, OutputIterator _valid, OutputIterator _invalid)
Definition: SamplerMethod.cpp:103
virtual void Sample(size_t _numNodes, size_t _maxAttempts, const Boundary *const _boundary, OutputIterator _valid, OutputIterator _invalid)
Definition: SamplerMethod.cpp:19