Parasol Planning Library (PPL)
Boundary Class Referenceabstract

#include <Boundary.h>

Inheritance diagram for Boundary:
Inheritance graph

Public Types

Local Types
enum  Space { Workspace , CSpace }
 The types of space that can be modeled with boundaries. More...

Public Member Functions

Property Accessors
virtual Space Type () const noexcept=0
 Get the space type. More...
virtual std::string Name () const noexcept=0
 Get the name of the boundary type. More...
virtual size_t GetDimension () const noexcept=0
 Get the dimension of this boundary. More...
virtual double GetMaxDist (const double _r1=2., const double _r2=.5) const =0
virtual const Range< double > & GetRange (const size_t _i) const =0
virtual const std::vector< double > & GetCenter () const noexcept=0
 Get the boundary's center point. More...
virtual double GetVolume () const noexcept=0
 Get the boundary's volume (Lebesgue Measure). More...
virtual std::vector< double > GetRandomPoint () const =0
 Get a random point inside the boundary. More...
virtual void PushInside (std::vector< double > &_point) const noexcept=0
virtual void ScalePoint (std::vector< double > &_point) const noexcept
virtual void UnscalePoint (std::vector< double > &_point) const noexcept
Containment Testing
virtual bool InBoundary (const Vector3d &_p) const
virtual bool InBoundary (const std::vector< double > &_v) const =0
virtual bool InBoundary (const Cfg &_c) const =0
Clearance Testing
virtual double GetClearance (const Vector3d &_p) const =0
virtual Vector3d GetClearancePoint (const Vector3d &_p) const =0
virtual void SetCenter (const std::vector< double > &_c) noexcept=0
virtual void Translate (const Vector3d &_v)=0
virtual void Translate (const std::vector< double > &_t)=0
virtual void ResetBoundary (const std::vector< std::pair< double, double >> &_bbx, const double _margin)=0
virtual void Read (std::istream &_is, CountingStreamBuffer &_cbs)=0
virtual void Write (std::ostream &_os) const =0

Protected Member Functions

Containment Helpers
bool InWorkspace (const Cfg &_c) const
bool InCSpace (const Cfg &_c) const

Polyhedron Representations

typedef CGAL::Exact_predicates_exact_constructions_kernel CGALKernel
typedef CGAL::Polyhedron_3< CGALKernelCGALPolyhedron
virtual CGALPolyhedron CGAL () const
 Create a CGAL polyhedron representation of this. More...
virtual GMSPolyhedron MakePolyhedron () const


virtual ~Boundary () noexcept
virtual std::unique_ptr< BoundaryClone () const =0
static std::unique_ptr< BoundaryFactory (XMLNode &_node)

Detailed Description

An abstract interface for a bounding volume in workspace or c-space.


Member Typedef Documentation

◆ CGALKernel

typedef CGAL::Exact_predicates_exact_constructions_kernel Boundary::CGALKernel

◆ CGALPolyhedron

typedef CGAL::Polyhedron_3<CGALKernel> Boundary::CGALPolyhedron

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ Space

The types of space that can be modeled with boundaries.


Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ~Boundary()

Boundary::~Boundary ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ CGAL()

Boundary::CGALPolyhedron Boundary::CGAL ( ) const

Create a CGAL polyhedron representation of this.

Reimplemented in WorkspaceBoundingBox, and TetrahedralBoundary.

◆ Clone()

virtual std::unique_ptr<Boundary> Boundary::Clone ( ) const
pure virtual

Duplicate this boundary and return a dynamically-allocated copy with the same type. This is provided in the base class so that we can copy a boundary object without knowing its type.

A dynamically-allocated copy of this with the same type.

Implemented in WorkspaceBoundingSphericalShell, WorkspaceBoundingSphere, WorkspaceBoundingBox, TetrahedralBoundary, CSpaceBoundingSphere, and CSpaceBoundingBox.

◆ Factory()

std::unique_ptr< Boundary > Boundary::Factory ( XMLNode _node)

Construct a boundary as described by an XML node.

_nodeThe XML node.
A boundary of the appropriate type.

◆ GetCenter()

virtual const std::vector<double>& Boundary::GetCenter ( ) const
pure virtualnoexcept

Get the boundary's center point.

Implemented in TetrahedralBoundary, AbstractBoundingSphericalShell, AbstractBoundingSphere, and AbstractBoundingBox.

◆ GetClearance()

double Boundary::GetClearance ( const Vector3d &  _p) const
pure virtual

Get the distance from a test point to the nearest point on the boundary.

_pThe test point.
The distance from _p to the clearance point of _p.

Implemented in TetrahedralBoundary, AbstractBoundingSphericalShell, AbstractBoundingSphere, and AbstractBoundingBox.

◆ GetClearancePoint()

Vector3d Boundary::GetClearancePoint ( const Vector3d &  _p) const
pure virtual

Get the nearest point on the boundary to a test point.

_pThe test point.
The point on this boundary nearest to _p.

Implemented in TetrahedralBoundary, AbstractBoundingSphericalShell, AbstractBoundingSphere, and AbstractBoundingBox.

◆ GetDimension()

virtual size_t Boundary::GetDimension ( ) const
pure virtualnoexcept

Get the dimension of this boundary.

Implemented in TetrahedralBoundary, AbstractBoundingSphericalShell, AbstractBoundingSphere, and AbstractBoundingBox.

◆ GetMaxDist()

virtual double Boundary::GetMaxDist ( const double  _r1 = 2.,
const double  _r2 = .5 
) const
pure virtual

Get the longest distance contained within the boundary. Supports any Minkowski distance.

_r1The term-wise power in the Minkowski difference.
_r2The whole expression power in the Minkowski difference.

Implemented in AbstractBoundingSphericalShell, AbstractBoundingSphere, TetrahedralBoundary, and AbstractBoundingBox.

◆ GetRandomPoint()

virtual std::vector<double> Boundary::GetRandomPoint ( ) const
pure virtual

Get a random point inside the boundary.

Implemented in TetrahedralBoundary, AbstractBoundingSphericalShell, AbstractBoundingSphere, and AbstractBoundingBox.

◆ GetRange()

virtual const Range<double>& Boundary::GetRange ( const size_t  _i) const
pure virtual

Get the boundary range for a specific dimension.

_iThe dimension index.
The range of values spanned by this boundary in dimension _i.

Implemented in TetrahedralBoundary, AbstractBoundingSphericalShell, AbstractBoundingSphere, and AbstractBoundingBox.

◆ GetVolume()

virtual double Boundary::GetVolume ( ) const
pure virtualnoexcept

Get the boundary's volume (Lebesgue Measure).

Implemented in TetrahedralBoundary, AbstractBoundingSphericalShell, AbstractBoundingSphere, and AbstractBoundingBox.

◆ InBoundary() [1/3]

virtual bool Boundary::InBoundary ( const Cfg _c) const
pure virtual

Test if a configuration lies within the boundary.

_cfgThe configuration to test.
True if the configuration is considered to lie inside the boundary.

Implemented in WorkspaceBoundingSphericalShell, WorkspaceBoundingSphere, CSpaceBoundingSphere, WorkspaceBoundingBox, TetrahedralBoundary, and CSpaceBoundingBox.

◆ InBoundary() [2/3]

virtual bool Boundary::InBoundary ( const std::vector< double > &  _v) const
pure virtual

Test if a specific n-dimensional point lies within the boundary.

_vThe point to test.
True if _v lies inside this boundary.

Implemented in TetrahedralBoundary, AbstractBoundingSphericalShell, AbstractBoundingSphere, and AbstractBoundingBox.

◆ InBoundary() [3/3]

bool Boundary::InBoundary ( const Vector3d &  _p) const

Test if a specific point lies within the boundary.

_pThe point to test.
True if _p lies inside this boundary.

Reimplemented in TetrahedralBoundary.

◆ InCSpace()

bool Boundary::InCSpace ( const Cfg _c) const

Check that a configuration's DOF values lie entirely within a CSpace boundary.

_cThe configuration of interest.
True if all of _c's DOF values lie within this boundary.

◆ InWorkspace()

bool Boundary::InWorkspace ( const Cfg _c) const

Check that a configuration lies entirely within a workspace boundary.

_cThe configuration of interest.
True if all of _c's geometry vertices lie within this boundary.

◆ MakePolyhedron()

GMSPolyhedron Boundary::MakePolyhedron ( ) const

Create a GMSPolyhedron representation of this. The polyhedron will be inside-out (normals facing inward) to properly represent the contact normals.

Reimplemented in WorkspaceBoundingSphericalShell, WorkspaceBoundingSphere, WorkspaceBoundingBox, and TetrahedralBoundary.

◆ Name()

virtual std::string Boundary::Name ( ) const
pure virtualnoexcept

◆ PushInside()

virtual void Boundary::PushInside ( std::vector< double > &  _point) const
pure virtualnoexcept

Minimally push a point so that it lies within the boundary.

_pointThe point to push.

Implemented in TetrahedralBoundary, AbstractBoundingSphericalShell, AbstractBoundingSphere, and AbstractBoundingBox.

◆ Read()

virtual void Boundary::Read ( std::istream &  _is,
CountingStreamBuffer _cbs 
pure virtual

Read in a boundary.

_isThe input stream to read from.
_cbsThe counting stream buffer for keeping track of where we are in the input stream.

Implemented in TetrahedralBoundary, AbstractBoundingSphericalShell, AbstractBoundingSphere, and AbstractBoundingBox.

◆ ResetBoundary()

virtual void Boundary::ResetBoundary ( const std::vector< std::pair< double, double >> &  _bbx,
const double  _margin 
pure virtual

Resize the boundary to fit inside a bounding box plus some margin.

_bbxThe new base bounding box.
_marginThe additional margin for _bbx. Negative margins cause shrinkage.

Implemented in TetrahedralBoundary, AbstractBoundingSphericalShell, AbstractBoundingSphere, and AbstractBoundingBox.

◆ ScalePoint()

void Boundary::ScalePoint ( std::vector< double > &  _point) const

Scale a point relative to the maximum range of the boundary. Up to GetDimension() elements will be scaled so that this boundary's maximum range maps to [-1, 1]. Additional elements in the point will not be scaled.

_pointThe point to unscale.

◆ SetCenter()

virtual void Boundary::SetCenter ( const std::vector< double > &  _c)
pure virtualnoexcept

Move the boundary to a new center point.

_cThe new center point for the boundary.

Implemented in TetrahedralBoundary, AbstractBoundingSphericalShell, AbstractBoundingSphere, and AbstractBoundingBox.

◆ Translate() [1/2]

virtual void Boundary::Translate ( const std::vector< double > &  _t)
pure virtual

Translate the boundary.

_tThe offset to apply.

Implemented in TetrahedralBoundary, AbstractBoundingSphericalShell, AbstractBoundingSphere, and AbstractBoundingBox.

◆ Translate() [2/2]

virtual void Boundary::Translate ( const Vector3d &  _v)
pure virtual

Translate the boundary.

_vThe offset to apply.

Implemented in TetrahedralBoundary, AbstractBoundingSphericalShell, AbstractBoundingSphere, and AbstractBoundingBox.

◆ Type()

virtual Space Boundary::Type ( ) const
pure virtualnoexcept

◆ UnscalePoint()

void Boundary::UnscalePoint ( std::vector< double > &  _point) const

Unscale a point relative to the maximum range of the boundary. Up to GetDimension() elements will be scaled so that [-1, 1] maps to this boundary's maximum range. Additional elements in the point will not be scaled.

_pointThe point to unscale.

◆ Write()

virtual void Boundary::Write ( std::ostream &  _os) const
pure virtual

Write out a boundary.

_osThe output stream to write to.

Implemented in TetrahedralBoundary, AbstractBoundingSphericalShell, AbstractBoundingSphere, and AbstractBoundingBox.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: