Parasol Planning Library (PPL)
CCTracker< RoadmapType > Class Template Referencefinal

#include <CCTracker.h>

Public Types

Motion Planning Types
typedef RoadmapType::VID VID
typedef RoadmapType::vertex_iterator vertex_iterator
typedef RoadmapType::adj_edge_iterator edge_iterator
typedef RoadmapType::VertexSet VertexSet
Local Types
typedef CCTracker< RoadmapType > CCTrackerType
typedef std::unordered_set< VertexSet * > ComponentSet
typedef std::function< void(const CCTrackerType *const, const VertexSet *const)> CreatedHook
typedef std::function< void(const CCTrackerType *const, const VertexSet *const)> DeletedHook
typedef std::function< void(const CCTrackerType *const, const VertexSet *const, const VertexSet *const)> BrokenHook
typedef std::function< void(const CCTrackerType *const, const VertexSet *const, const VertexSet *const)> MergedHook

Public Member Functions

 CCTracker (RoadmapType *const _r)
 ~CCTracker ()
Move and Copy
If this object is moved/copied as part of a move/copy on the roadmap, we must also update the roadmap pointer and hooks.
Move will retain stat class tracking but copying does not. This is because moving generally pertains to an internal re-organization of the same roadmap, while copying usually indicates moving a roadmap to another solution.
 CCTracker (const CCTracker &)
 CCTracker (CCTracker &&)
CCTrackeroperator= (const CCTracker &)
CCTrackeroperator= (CCTracker &&)
void SetRoadmap (RoadmapType *const _r) noexcept
 Set the roadmap object. More...
void SetStatClass (StatClass *const _stats) const noexcept
 Set the stat class pointer if we wish to do performance profiling. More...
Query Functions

These functions answer questions about the CCs in the graph.

size_t GetNumCCs () const noexcept
 Get the number of connected components in the graph. More...
const VertexSetGetCC (const VID _vid) const noexcept
VertexSet GetRepresentatives () const noexcept
bool InSameCC (const VID _vid1, const VID _vid2) const noexcept

Iterate over the CCs.

ComponentSet::const_iterator begin () const noexcept
ComponentSet::const_iterator end () const noexcept
Event Hooks

These functions install and manage hook functions which are called in response to changes in the components. Each has a unique label; duplicates will trigger exceptions.

void InstallCreatedHook (const std::string &_label, const CreatedHook &_h)
void InstallDeletedHook (const std::string &_label, const DeletedHook &_h)
void InstallBrokenHook (const std::string &_label, const BrokenHook &_h)
void InstallMergedHook (const std::string &_label, const MergedHook &_h)

Updates can be disabled to optimize rewiring operations (where we change the graph without changing connectivity).

void Disable ()
void Enable ()
void Print (std::ostream &_os, const std::string &_indent={}) const
Roadmap Callback Functions

These functions accept graph updates and adjust the internal CCs accordingly. They should be installed as hooks in the roadmap.

void AddVertex (const vertex_iterator _vi) noexcept
void DeleteVertex (const vertex_iterator _vi) noexcept
void AddEdge (const edge_iterator _ei) noexcept
void DeleteEdge (const edge_iterator _ei) noexcept

Detailed Description

template<typename RoadmapType>
class CCTracker< RoadmapType >

Track the set of CC's in a roadmap.

For directed graphs, we will compute weak connectivity because it describes the typical usage for RRT and nonholonomic robots. One should recall, however, that in such cases shared CC membership does not imply connectivity.

For this to work correctly with directed trees, one must ensure that the graph always remains a tree. For instance, if you rewire the tree by switching a vertex's parent, you must delete the old edge before adding the new one.

This class assumes that either all edges are bidirectional, or the roadmap is a single tree. It will not work correctly (silent errors) on a non-tree directed graph!

Add support for non-tree directed graphs. We need to use predecessor information to do this, which we now have in the roadmap graph.

The stat class tracking adds a lot of complication. Remove it once we're sure the performance is fast enough to forgo tracking.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ BrokenHook

template<typename RoadmapType >
typedef std::function<void(const CCTrackerType* const, const VertexSet* const, const VertexSet* const)> CCTracker< RoadmapType >::BrokenHook

An event hook for component breaks. Called after breaking.

Pointerto this.
Thecomponent which is now broken.
Thenew component split off from the old (does not trigger a create event).

◆ CCTrackerType

template<typename RoadmapType >
typedef CCTracker<RoadmapType> CCTracker< RoadmapType >::CCTrackerType

◆ ComponentSet

template<typename RoadmapType >
typedef std::unordered_set<VertexSet*> CCTracker< RoadmapType >::ComponentSet

◆ CreatedHook

template<typename RoadmapType >
typedef std::function<void(const CCTrackerType* const, const VertexSet* const)> CCTracker< RoadmapType >::CreatedHook

An event hook for component creation. Called after creation.

Pointerto this.
Thenewly created component.

◆ DeletedHook

template<typename RoadmapType >
typedef std::function<void(const CCTrackerType* const, const VertexSet* const)> CCTracker< RoadmapType >::DeletedHook

An event hook for component deletion. Called prior to deletion.

Pointerto this.
Theto-be deleted component.

◆ edge_iterator

template<typename RoadmapType >
typedef RoadmapType::adj_edge_iterator CCTracker< RoadmapType >::edge_iterator

◆ MergedHook

template<typename RoadmapType >
typedef std::function<void(const CCTrackerType* const, const VertexSet* const, const VertexSet* const)> CCTracker< RoadmapType >::MergedHook

An event hook for component merges. Called prior to merging.

Pointerto this.
Thecomponent which will be merged into.
Thecomponent which will be removed after merging (does not trigger a delete event).

◆ vertex_iterator

template<typename RoadmapType >
typedef RoadmapType::vertex_iterator CCTracker< RoadmapType >::vertex_iterator

◆ VertexSet

template<typename RoadmapType >
typedef RoadmapType::VertexSet CCTracker< RoadmapType >::VertexSet


template<typename RoadmapType >
typedef RoadmapType::VID CCTracker< RoadmapType >::VID

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ CCTracker() [1/3]

template<typename RoadmapType >
CCTracker< RoadmapType >::CCTracker ( RoadmapType *const  _r)


_rThe roadmap for which we will track CCs.

◆ ~CCTracker()

template<typename RoadmapType >
CCTracker< RoadmapType >::~CCTracker

◆ CCTracker() [2/3]

template<typename RoadmapType >
CCTracker< RoadmapType >::CCTracker ( const CCTracker< RoadmapType > &  _other)

◆ CCTracker() [3/3]

template<typename RoadmapType >
CCTracker< RoadmapType >::CCTracker ( CCTracker< RoadmapType > &&  _other)

Member Function Documentation

◆ AddEdge()

template<typename RoadmapType >
void CCTracker< RoadmapType >::AddEdge ( const edge_iterator  _ei)

Update for an edge added to the graph.

_eiThe edge iterator.
This is linear in the size of the smaller CC if a merge occurs or constant amortized otherwise.

◆ AddVertex()

template<typename RoadmapType >
void CCTracker< RoadmapType >::AddVertex ( const vertex_iterator  _vi)

Update for a vertex added to the graph.

_viThe vertex iterator.

◆ begin()

template<typename RoadmapType >
CCTracker< RoadmapType >::ComponentSet::const_iterator CCTracker< RoadmapType >::begin

◆ DeleteEdge()

template<typename RoadmapType >
void CCTracker< RoadmapType >::DeleteEdge ( const edge_iterator  _ei)

Update for an edge deleted from the graph.

_eiThe edge iterator.

◆ DeleteVertex()

template<typename RoadmapType >
void CCTracker< RoadmapType >::DeleteVertex ( const vertex_iterator  _vi)

Update for a vertex deleted from the graph.

_viThe vertex iterator.

◆ Disable()

template<typename RoadmapType >
void CCTracker< RoadmapType >::Disable

◆ Enable()

template<typename RoadmapType >
void CCTracker< RoadmapType >::Enable

◆ end()

template<typename RoadmapType >
CCTracker< RoadmapType >::ComponentSet::const_iterator CCTracker< RoadmapType >::end

◆ GetCC()

template<typename RoadmapType >
const CCTracker< RoadmapType >::VertexSet * CCTracker< RoadmapType >::GetCC ( const VID  _vid) const

Get the CC which contains a representative node.

_vidThe representative's descriptor.
The CC which contains _vid.

◆ GetNumCCs()

template<typename RoadmapType >
size_t CCTracker< RoadmapType >::GetNumCCs

Get the number of connected components in the graph.

◆ GetRepresentatives()

template<typename RoadmapType >
CCTracker< RoadmapType >::VertexSet CCTracker< RoadmapType >::GetRepresentatives

Get a set of representative VIDs for each CC.

The descriptor for one vertex from each CC.

◆ InSameCC()

template<typename RoadmapType >
bool CCTracker< RoadmapType >::InSameCC ( const VID  _vid1,
const VID  _vid2 
) const

Check if two vertices are in the same CC.

_vid1The descriptor of the first vertex.
_vid2The descriptor of the second vertex.
True if _vid1 and _vid2 are in the same CC.

◆ InstallBrokenHook()

template<typename RoadmapType >
void CCTracker< RoadmapType >::InstallBrokenHook ( const std::string &  _label,
const BrokenHook _h 

◆ InstallCreatedHook()

template<typename RoadmapType >
void CCTracker< RoadmapType >::InstallCreatedHook ( const std::string &  _label,
const CreatedHook _h 

◆ InstallDeletedHook()

template<typename RoadmapType >
void CCTracker< RoadmapType >::InstallDeletedHook ( const std::string &  _label,
const DeletedHook _h 

◆ InstallMergedHook()

template<typename RoadmapType >
void CCTracker< RoadmapType >::InstallMergedHook ( const std::string &  _label,
const MergedHook _h 

◆ operator=() [1/2]

template<typename RoadmapType >
CCTracker< RoadmapType > & CCTracker< RoadmapType >::operator= ( CCTracker< RoadmapType > &&  _other)

◆ operator=() [2/2]

template<typename RoadmapType >
CCTracker< RoadmapType > & CCTracker< RoadmapType >::operator= ( const CCTracker< RoadmapType > &  _other)

◆ Print()

template<typename RoadmapType >
void CCTracker< RoadmapType >::Print ( std::ostream &  _os,
const std::string &  _indent = {} 
) const

Print the full set of CC information.

_osThe ostream to print to.
_indentA set of indent characters to print before each line.

◆ SetRoadmap()

template<typename RoadmapType >
void CCTracker< RoadmapType >::SetRoadmap ( RoadmapType *const  _r)

Set the roadmap object.

◆ SetStatClass()

template<typename RoadmapType >
void CCTracker< RoadmapType >::SetStatClass ( StatClass *const  _stats) const

Set the stat class pointer if we wish to do performance profiling.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: