Parasol Planning Library (PPL)
GenericStateGraph< Vertex, Edge > Class Template Reference

#include <GenericStateGraph.h>

Inheritance diagram for GenericStateGraph< Vertex, Edge >:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for GenericStateGraph< Vertex, Edge >:
Collaboration graph

Public Types

Local Types
enum class  HookType { AddVertex , DeleteVertex , AddEdge , DeleteEdge }
using STAPLGraph = stapl::sequential::graph< stapl::DIRECTED, stapl::NONMULTIEDGES, Vertex, Edge >
typedef STAPLGraph::vertex_descriptor VID
typedef STAPLGraph::edge_descriptor EID
typedef EID::edge_id_type EdgeID
typedef std::unordered_set< VIDVertexSet
typedef STAPLGraph::vertex_iterator VI
typedef STAPLGraph::adj_edge_iterator EI
typedef STAPLGraph::const_vertex_iterator CVI
typedef STAPLGraph::const_adj_edge_iterator CEI
typedef STAPLGraph::vertex_property VP
typedef STAPLGraph::edge_property EP
typedef Vertex CfgType
typedef Edge EdgeType
typedef stapl::sequential::vector_property_map< STAPLGraph, size_t > ColorMap
typedef std::function< void(VI)> VertexHook
typedef std::function< void(EI)> EdgeHook
typedef CCTracker< GenericStateGraph< Vertex, Edge > > CCTrackerType

Public Member Functions

 GenericStateGraph ()
 GenericStateGraph (Robot *const _r)
Move and Copy

Move and copy operations do not copy hook functions.

 GenericStateGraph (const GenericStateGraph &_r)
 GenericStateGraph (GenericStateGraph &&_r)
GenericStateGraphoperator= (const GenericStateGraph &_r)
GenericStateGraphoperator= (GenericStateGraph &&_r)
bool operator== (const GenericStateGraph &_r) const noexcept
bool operator!= (const GenericStateGraph &_r) const noexcept
virtual VID AddVertex (const Vertex &_v) noexcept
virtual VID AddVertex (const VID _vid, const Vertex &_v) noexcept
virtual VID AddDuplicateVertex (const Vertex &_v) noexcept
virtual void DeleteVertex (const VID _v) noexcept
virtual EID AddEdge (const VID _source, const VID _target, const Edge &_w) noexcept
virtual std::pair< EID, EIDAddEdge (const VID _source, const VID _target, const std::pair< Edge, Edge > &_w) noexcept
virtual EID AddEdge (const EID _eid, const Edge &_w) noexcept
virtual EID AddEdge (const VID _source, const VID _target) noexcept
virtual void DeleteEdge (const VID _source, const VID _target) noexcept
virtual void DeleteEdge (EI _iterator) noexcept
void SetRobot (Robot *const _r) noexcept
 Set the robot pointer on all configurations in the map. More...
void AppendRoadmap (const GenericStateGraph &_r)
void SetCCTracker (StatClass *const _stats=nullptr)
size_t Size () const noexcept
 Get the number of vertices in the roadmap. More...
bool IsVertex (const VID _vid) const noexcept
bool IsVertex (const Vertex &_v) const noexcept
bool IsVertex (const Vertex &_v, CVI &_vi) const noexcept
bool IsEdge (const VID _source, const VID _target) const noexcept
template<typename T >
VID GetVID (const T &_t) const noexcept
VID GetVID (const VI &_t) const noexcept
VID GetVID (const Vertex &_t) const noexcept
const VertexSetGetPredecessors (const VID _vid) const noexcept
VID GetLastVID () const noexcept
 Get the descriptor of the last vertex added to the graph. More...
size_t GetTimestamp () const noexcept
 Each time the roadmap is modified, we update the timestamp. More...
const VertexSetGetAllVIDs () const noexcept
 Get the set of all VIDs in the roadmap. More...
RobotGetRobot () const noexcept
 Get the robot represented by this roadmap. More...
CCTrackerTypeGetCCTracker () const noexcept
 Get the connected component tracker. More...
template<typename T >
VPGetVertex (T &_t) noexcept
 Retrieve a reference to a vertex property by descriptor or iterator. More...
VPGetVertex (VI &_t) noexcept
VPGetVertex (VID _t) noexcept
template<typename T >
const VPGetVertex (T &_t) const noexcept
const VPGetVertex (CVI &_t) const noexcept
const VPGetVertex (VID _t) const noexcept
std::vector< VIDGetChildren (const VID _vid) const noexcept
size_t GetInDegree (const VID _vid) noexcept
std::vector< EIFindInboundEdges (const VID _vid)
bool GetEdge (const VID _source, const VID _target, EI &_ei) noexcept
bool GetEdge (const VID _source, const VID _target, CEI &_ei) const noexcept
EPGetEdge (const VID _source, const VID _target) noexcept
EPGetEdge (const EID _descriptor) noexcept

Hooks are arbitrary functions that are attached to roadmap events. I.e., whenever a vertex is added, a set of functions should be called (hooks). There is a set of hooks for each of the four modifying actions (add/delete a vertex/edge).

IMPORTANT: Hooks for 'add' events execute immediately after the event, while hooks for 'delete' events execute immediately prior. This ensures that the iterator and neighbor information are valid in both cases.

IMPORTANT: Dependencies between hooks create data races. To avoid problems, any piece of data that is modified by one hook should not be read or modified by any other hook.

bool IsHook (const HookType, const std::string &_label) const
void InstallHook (const HookType _type, const std::string &_label, const VertexHook &_h)
void InstallHook (const HookType _type, const std::string &_label, const EdgeHook &_h)
void RemoveHook (const HookType _type, const std::string &_label)
void DisableHooks () noexcept
void EnableHooks () noexcept
 Enable the hook functions (default). More...
virtual void ClearHooks () noexcept

Protected Member Functions

void ExecuteAddVertexHooks (const VI _iterator) noexcept
void ExecuteDeleteVertexHooks (const VI _iterator) noexcept
void ExecuteAddEdgeHooks (const EI _iterator) noexcept
void ExecuteDeleteEdgeHooks (const EI _iterator) noexcept
std::string ToString (const HookType &_t) const noexcept

Protected Attributes

Internal State
Robotm_robot {nullptr}
 The robot this roadmap is for. More...
size_t m_timestamp {0}
 Tracks the number of changes to the graph. More...
bool m_enableHooks {true}
 Use hook functions? More...
std::unordered_map< std::string, VertexHookm_addVertexHooks
 Hook functions to call when adding a vertex. More...
std::unordered_map< std::string, VertexHookm_deleteVertexHooks
 Hook functions to call when deleting a vertex. More...
std::unordered_map< std::string, EdgeHookm_addEdgeHooks
 Hook functions to call when adding an edge. More...
std::unordered_map< std::string, EdgeHookm_deleteEdgeHooks
 Hook functions to call when deleting an edge. More...
std::unique_ptr< CCTrackerTypem_ccTracker
 Tracks weak CCs within the roadmap. More...
std::unordered_map< VID, VertexSetm_predecessors
VertexSet m_allVIDs


virtual void Write (const std::string &_filename, Environment *_env) const
template<typename RG >
void Read (RG *_g, const std::string &_filename)
template<typename RG >
void ReadMessage (RG *_g, const std::string &_msg)

Detailed Description

template<typename Vertex, typename Edge>
class GenericStateGraph< Vertex, Edge >

Graph data structure of robot configurations (vertices) connected by local plans (edges).

We often want to do some extra stuff whenever the roadmap is modified. To support that, this object can install hook functions for each of the four modifying events (add/delete a vertex/edge). Note that there is no particular ordering to the hook execution - this is deliberate because we will create a maintenance nightmare if hooks are allowed to depend on each other. As such, no two hooks should modify the same data. Terrible and unpredictable things will happen if you do this!

Template Parameters
VertexThe vertex or configuration type.
EdgeThe edge or local plan type.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ CCTrackerType

template<typename Vertex , typename Edge >
typedef CCTracker<GenericStateGraph<Vertex, Edge> > GenericStateGraph< Vertex, Edge >::CCTrackerType


template<typename Vertex , typename Edge >
typedef STAPLGraph::const_adj_edge_iterator GenericStateGraph< Vertex, Edge >::CEI

◆ CfgType

template<typename Vertex , typename Edge >
typedef Vertex GenericStateGraph< Vertex, Edge >::CfgType

◆ ColorMap

template<typename Vertex , typename Edge >
typedef stapl::sequential::vector_property_map<STAPLGraph, size_t> GenericStateGraph< Vertex, Edge >::ColorMap


template<typename Vertex , typename Edge >
typedef STAPLGraph::const_vertex_iterator GenericStateGraph< Vertex, Edge >::CVI

◆ EdgeHook

template<typename Vertex , typename Edge >
typedef std::function<void(EI)> GenericStateGraph< Vertex, Edge >::EdgeHook

◆ EdgeID

template<typename Vertex , typename Edge >
typedef EID::edge_id_type GenericStateGraph< Vertex, Edge >::EdgeID

◆ EdgeType

template<typename Vertex , typename Edge >
typedef Edge GenericStateGraph< Vertex, Edge >::EdgeType

◆ EI

template<typename Vertex , typename Edge >
typedef STAPLGraph::adj_edge_iterator GenericStateGraph< Vertex, Edge >::EI


template<typename Vertex , typename Edge >
typedef STAPLGraph::edge_descriptor GenericStateGraph< Vertex, Edge >::EID

◆ EP

template<typename Vertex , typename Edge >
typedef STAPLGraph::edge_property GenericStateGraph< Vertex, Edge >::EP

◆ STAPLGraph

template<typename Vertex , typename Edge >
using GenericStateGraph< Vertex, Edge >::STAPLGraph = stapl::sequential::graph<stapl::DIRECTED, stapl::NONMULTIEDGES, Vertex, Edge>

◆ VertexHook

template<typename Vertex , typename Edge >
typedef std::function<void(VI)> GenericStateGraph< Vertex, Edge >::VertexHook

◆ VertexSet

template<typename Vertex , typename Edge >
typedef std::unordered_set<VID> GenericStateGraph< Vertex, Edge >::VertexSet

◆ VI

template<typename Vertex , typename Edge >
typedef STAPLGraph::vertex_iterator GenericStateGraph< Vertex, Edge >::VI


template<typename Vertex , typename Edge >
typedef STAPLGraph::vertex_descriptor GenericStateGraph< Vertex, Edge >::VID

◆ VP

template<typename Vertex , typename Edge >
typedef STAPLGraph::vertex_property GenericStateGraph< Vertex, Edge >::VP

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ HookType

template<typename Vertex , typename Edge >
enum GenericStateGraph::HookType

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ GenericStateGraph() [1/4]

template<typename Vertex , typename Edge >
GenericStateGraph< Vertex, Edge >::GenericStateGraph

◆ GenericStateGraph() [2/4]

template<typename Vertex , typename Edge >
GenericStateGraph< Vertex, Edge >::GenericStateGraph ( Robot *const  _r)

◆ GenericStateGraph() [3/4]

template<typename Vertex , typename Edge >
GenericStateGraph< Vertex, Edge >::GenericStateGraph ( const GenericStateGraph< Vertex, Edge > &  _r)

◆ GenericStateGraph() [4/4]

template<typename Vertex , typename Edge >
GenericStateGraph< Vertex, Edge >::GenericStateGraph ( GenericStateGraph< Vertex, Edge > &&  _r)

Member Function Documentation

◆ AddDuplicateVertex()

template<typename Vertex , typename Edge >
GenericStateGraph< Vertex, Edge >::VID GenericStateGraph< Vertex, Edge >::AddDuplicateVertex ( const Vertex &  _v)

Add a vertex to the graph without checking for uniqueness.

_vThe vertex to add.
A new VID of the added vertex, or the VID of the existing vertex.

◆ AddEdge() [1/4]

template<class Vertex , class Edge >
GenericStateGraph< Vertex, Edge >::EID GenericStateGraph< Vertex, Edge >::AddEdge ( const EID  _eid,
const Edge &  _w 

◆ AddEdge() [2/4]

template<class Vertex , class Edge >
GenericStateGraph< Vertex, Edge >::EID GenericStateGraph< Vertex, Edge >::AddEdge ( const VID  _source,
const VID  _target 

◆ AddEdge() [3/4]

template<class Vertex , class Edge >
GenericStateGraph< Vertex, Edge >::EID GenericStateGraph< Vertex, Edge >::AddEdge ( const VID  _source,
const VID  _target,
const Edge &  _w 

Add an edge from source to target.

_sourceThe source vertex.
_targetThe target vertex.
_wThe edge property.

Reimplemented in GroupRoadmap< Vertex, Edge >, and CompositeGraph< Vertex, Edge >.

◆ AddEdge() [4/4]

template<class Vertex , class Edge >
std::pair< typename GenericStateGraph< Vertex, Edge >::EID, typename GenericStateGraph< Vertex, Edge >::EID > GenericStateGraph< Vertex, Edge >::AddEdge ( const VID  _source,
const VID  _target,
const std::pair< Edge, Edge > &  _w 

Add edges both ways between source and target vertices.

_sourceThe source vertex.
_targetThe target vertex.
_wThe edge properties (source to target first).

◆ AddVertex() [1/2]

template<typename Vertex , typename Edge >
GenericStateGraph< Vertex, Edge >::VID GenericStateGraph< Vertex, Edge >::AddVertex ( const Vertex &  _v)

Add a new unique vertex to the graph. If it already exists, a warning will be printed to cerr.

_vThe vertex to add.
A new VID of the added vertex, or the VID of the existing vertex.

Reimplemented in GroupRoadmap< Vertex, Edge >, and CompositeGraph< Vertex, Edge >.

◆ AddVertex() [2/2]

template<typename Vertex , typename Edge >
GenericStateGraph< Vertex, Edge >::VID GenericStateGraph< Vertex, Edge >::AddVertex ( const VID  _vid,
const Vertex &  _v 

Add a new unique vertex to the graph with a designated descriptor. If it already exists or the descriptor is already in use, a warning will be printed to cerr.

_vidThe desired descriptor.
_vThe vertex property.
A new VID of the added vertex, or the VID of the existing vertex.

◆ AppendRoadmap()

template<typename Vertex , typename Edge >
void GenericStateGraph< Vertex, Edge >::AppendRoadmap ( const GenericStateGraph< Vertex, Edge > &  _r)

Copy the nodes and edges from another roadmap and append them to this. Assumes the configurations are compatible with this roadmap's robot.

_rThe roadmap to copy from.

◆ ClearHooks()

template<typename Vertex , typename Edge >
void GenericStateGraph< Vertex, Edge >::ClearHooks

Uninstall all hooks. Should only be used at the end of a library run to clean the roadmap object.

Reimplemented in CompositeGraph< Vertex, Edge >.

◆ DeleteEdge() [1/2]

template<class Vertex , class Edge >
void GenericStateGraph< Vertex, Edge >::DeleteEdge ( const VID  _source,
const VID  _target 

Remove an edge from the graph if it exists.

_sourceThe source vertex.
_targetThe target vertex.

Reimplemented in CompositeGraph< Vertex, Edge >.

◆ DeleteEdge() [2/2]

template<class Vertex , class Edge >
void GenericStateGraph< Vertex, Edge >::DeleteEdge ( EI  _iterator)

Remove an edge from the graph if it exists.

_iteratorAn iterator to the edge.

Reimplemented in CompositeGraph< Vertex, Edge >.

◆ DeleteVertex()

template<typename Vertex , typename Edge >
void GenericStateGraph< Vertex, Edge >::DeleteVertex ( const VID  _v)

Remove a vertex (and attached edges) from the graph if it exists.

_vThe vertex descriptor.

Reimplemented in CompositeGraph< Vertex, Edge >.

◆ DisableHooks()

template<typename Vertex , typename Edge >
void GenericStateGraph< Vertex, Edge >::DisableHooks

Disable the hooks. This is useful for making temporary additions and deletions to the roadmap without triggering the hook functions. Be sure to re-enable them after, and to only use this in isolated code segments where you are sure that we won't miss any real nodes.

◆ EnableHooks()

template<typename Vertex , typename Edge >
void GenericStateGraph< Vertex, Edge >::EnableHooks

Enable the hook functions (default).

◆ ExecuteAddEdgeHooks()

template<typename Vertex , typename Edge >
void GenericStateGraph< Vertex, Edge >::ExecuteAddEdgeHooks ( const EI  _iterator)

Execute the AddEdge hooks.

_iteratorAn iterator to the newly added edge.

◆ ExecuteAddVertexHooks()

template<typename Vertex , typename Edge >
void GenericStateGraph< Vertex, Edge >::ExecuteAddVertexHooks ( const VI  _iterator)

Execute the AddVertex hooks.

_iteratorAn iterator to the newly added vertex.

◆ ExecuteDeleteEdgeHooks()

template<typename Vertex , typename Edge >
void GenericStateGraph< Vertex, Edge >::ExecuteDeleteEdgeHooks ( const EI  _iterator)

Execute the DeleteEdge hooks.

_iteratorAn iterator to the to-be-deleted edge.

◆ ExecuteDeleteVertexHooks()

template<typename Vertex , typename Edge >
void GenericStateGraph< Vertex, Edge >::ExecuteDeleteVertexHooks ( const VI  _iterator)

Execute the DeleteVertex hooks.

_iteratorAn iterator to the to-be-deleted vertex.

◆ FindInboundEdges()

template<typename Vertex , typename Edge >
std::vector< typename GenericStateGraph< Vertex, Edge >::EI > GenericStateGraph< Vertex, Edge >::FindInboundEdges ( const VID  _vid)

◆ GetAllVIDs()

template<typename Vertex , typename Edge >
const GenericStateGraph< Vertex, Edge >::VertexSet & GenericStateGraph< Vertex, Edge >::GetAllVIDs

Get the set of all VIDs in the roadmap.

◆ GetCCTracker()

template<typename Vertex , typename Edge >
GenericStateGraph< Vertex, Edge >::CCTrackerType * GenericStateGraph< Vertex, Edge >::GetCCTracker

Get the connected component tracker.

◆ GetChildren()

template<typename Vertex , typename Edge >
std::vector< typename GenericStateGraph< Vertex, Edge >::VID > GenericStateGraph< Vertex, Edge >::GetChildren ( const VID  _vid) const

Get the set of VIDs which are children of a given vertex.

_vidThe VID of the given vertex.
The VIDs of each node u for which and edge (_vid, u) exists.

◆ GetEdge() [1/4]

template<typename Vertex , typename Edge >
GenericStateGraph< Vertex, Edge >::EP & GenericStateGraph< Vertex, Edge >::GetEdge ( const EID  _descriptor)

◆ GetEdge() [2/4]

template<typename Vertex , typename Edge >
GenericStateGraph< Vertex, Edge >::EP & GenericStateGraph< Vertex, Edge >::GetEdge ( const VID  _source,
const VID  _target 

◆ GetEdge() [3/4]

template<typename Vertex , typename Edge >
bool GenericStateGraph< Vertex, Edge >::GetEdge ( const VID  _source,
const VID  _target,
CEI _ei 
) const

◆ GetEdge() [4/4]

template<typename Vertex , typename Edge >
bool GenericStateGraph< Vertex, Edge >::GetEdge ( const VID  _source,
const VID  _target,
EI _ei 

Retrieve an edge from the graph.

_sourceThe source node VID.
_targetThe target node VID.
_eiAn edge iterator, set to the specified edge if found or end otherwise.
True if the edge was located.

◆ GetInDegree()

template<typename Vertex , typename Edge >
size_t GenericStateGraph< Vertex, Edge >::GetInDegree ( const VID  _vid)

◆ GetLastVID()

template<typename Vertex , typename Edge >
GenericStateGraph< Vertex, Edge >::VID GenericStateGraph< Vertex, Edge >::GetLastVID

Get the descriptor of the last vertex added to the graph.

◆ GetPredecessors()

template<typename Vertex , typename Edge >
const GenericStateGraph< Vertex, Edge >::VertexSet & GenericStateGraph< Vertex, Edge >::GetPredecessors ( const VID  _vid) const

Get the set of predecessors for a given vertex.

_vidThe vertex descriptor.
The set of VIDs which have _vid as a child node.

◆ GetRobot()

template<typename Vertex , typename Edge >
Robot * GenericStateGraph< Vertex, Edge >::GetRobot

Get the robot represented by this roadmap.

◆ GetTimestamp()

template<typename Vertex , typename Edge >
size_t GenericStateGraph< Vertex, Edge >::GetTimestamp

Each time the roadmap is modified, we update the timestamp.

◆ GetVertex() [1/6]

template<typename Vertex , typename Edge >
const GenericStateGraph< Vertex, Edge >::VP & GenericStateGraph< Vertex, Edge >::GetVertex ( CVI _t) const

◆ GetVertex() [2/6]

template<typename Vertex , typename Edge >
template<typename T >
const GenericStateGraph< Vertex, Edge >::VP & GenericStateGraph< Vertex, Edge >::GetVertex ( T &  _t) const

Retrieve a constant reference to a vertex property by descriptor or iterator.

◆ GetVertex() [3/6]

template<typename Vertex , typename Edge >
template<typename T >
GenericStateGraph< Vertex, Edge >::VP & GenericStateGraph< Vertex, Edge >::GetVertex ( T &  _t)

Retrieve a reference to a vertex property by descriptor or iterator.

◆ GetVertex() [4/6]

template<typename Vertex , typename Edge >
GenericStateGraph< Vertex, Edge >::VP & GenericStateGraph< Vertex, Edge >::GetVertex ( VI _t)

◆ GetVertex() [5/6]

template<typename Vertex , typename Edge >
const GenericStateGraph< Vertex, Edge >::VP & GenericStateGraph< Vertex, Edge >::GetVertex ( VID  _t) const

◆ GetVertex() [6/6]

template<typename Vertex , typename Edge >
GenericStateGraph< Vertex, Edge >::VP & GenericStateGraph< Vertex, Edge >::GetVertex ( VID  _t)

◆ GetVID() [1/3]

template<typename Vertex , typename Edge >
template<typename T >
GenericStateGraph< Vertex, Edge >::VID GenericStateGraph< Vertex, Edge >::GetVID ( const T &  _t) const

Get the descriptor of a vertex property if it exists in the graph, or INVALID_VID otherwise.

◆ GetVID() [2/3]

template<typename Vertex , typename Edge >
GenericStateGraph< Vertex, Edge >::VID GenericStateGraph< Vertex, Edge >::GetVID ( const Vertex &  _t) const

◆ GetVID() [3/3]

template<typename Vertex , typename Edge >
GenericStateGraph< Vertex, Edge >::VID GenericStateGraph< Vertex, Edge >::GetVID ( const VI _t) const

◆ InstallHook() [1/2]

template<typename Vertex , typename Edge >
void GenericStateGraph< Vertex, Edge >::InstallHook ( const HookType  _type,
const std::string &  _label,
const EdgeHook _h 

Install an edge hook. It will be called each time a new edge is added.

_typeThe hook type (edge add/delete).
_labelThe unique label.
_hThe hook function.

◆ InstallHook() [2/2]

template<typename Vertex , typename Edge >
void GenericStateGraph< Vertex, Edge >::InstallHook ( const HookType  _type,
const std::string &  _label,
const VertexHook _h 

Install a vertex hook. It will be called each time a new vertex is added.

_typeThe hook type (vertex add/delete).
_labelThe unique label.
_hThe hook function.

◆ IsEdge()

template<typename Vertex , typename Edge >
bool GenericStateGraph< Vertex, Edge >::IsEdge ( const VID  _source,
const VID  _target 
) const

Check if an edge is present between two vertices.

_sourceThe source vertex.
_targetThe target vertex.
True if an edge exists from source to target.

◆ IsHook()

template<typename Vertex , typename Edge >
bool GenericStateGraph< Vertex, Edge >::IsHook ( const HookType  _type,
const std::string &  _label 
) const

Check if a hook with a given type and label is installed.

_typeThe hook type.
_labelThe unique label.
True if a hook of the specified type and label is present.

◆ IsVertex() [1/3]

template<typename Vertex , typename Edge >
bool GenericStateGraph< Vertex, Edge >::IsVertex ( const Vertex &  _v) const

Check if a vertex is present in the graph.

_vThe vertex property to seek.
True if the vertex property was found in the graph.

◆ IsVertex() [2/3]

template<typename Vertex , typename Edge >
bool GenericStateGraph< Vertex, Edge >::IsVertex ( const Vertex &  _v,
CVI _vi 
) const

Check if a vertex is present in the graph and retrieve a const iterator to it if so.

_vThe vertex property to seek.
_viA vertex iterator, set to the located vertex or end if not found.
True if the vertex property was found in the graph.

◆ IsVertex() [3/3]

template<typename Vertex , typename Edge >
bool GenericStateGraph< Vertex, Edge >::IsVertex ( const VID  _vid) const

Check if a vertex is present in the graph.

_vidThe vertex descriptor
True if the vertex descriptor was found in the graph.

◆ operator!=()

template<typename Vertex , typename Edge >
bool GenericStateGraph< Vertex, Edge >::operator!= ( const GenericStateGraph< Vertex, Edge > &  _r) const

◆ operator=() [1/2]

template<typename Vertex , typename Edge >
GenericStateGraph< Vertex, Edge > & GenericStateGraph< Vertex, Edge >::operator= ( const GenericStateGraph< Vertex, Edge > &  _r)

◆ operator=() [2/2]

template<typename Vertex , typename Edge >
GenericStateGraph< Vertex, Edge > & GenericStateGraph< Vertex, Edge >::operator= ( GenericStateGraph< Vertex, Edge > &&  _r)

◆ operator==()

template<typename Vertex , typename Edge >
bool GenericStateGraph< Vertex, Edge >::operator== ( const GenericStateGraph< Vertex, Edge > &  _r) const

◆ RemoveHook()

template<typename Vertex , typename Edge >
void GenericStateGraph< Vertex, Edge >::RemoveHook ( const HookType  _type,
const std::string &  _label 

Remove a hook.

_typeThe hook type.
_labelThe unique label.

◆ SetCCTracker()

template<typename Vertex , typename Edge >
void GenericStateGraph< Vertex, Edge >::SetCCTracker ( StatClass *const  _stats = nullptr)

Set the CC tracker.

_statsOptional stat class for performance profiling.

◆ SetRobot()

template<typename Vertex , typename Edge >
void GenericStateGraph< Vertex, Edge >::SetRobot ( Robot *const  _r)

Set the robot pointer on all configurations in the map.

◆ Size()

template<typename Vertex , typename Edge >
size_t GenericStateGraph< Vertex, Edge >::Size

Get the number of vertices in the roadmap.

◆ ToString()

template<typename Vertex , typename Edge >
std::string GenericStateGraph< Vertex, Edge >::ToString ( const HookType _t) const

Helper for printing hook type names.

_tA hook type.
The string representation of _t.

◆ Write()

template<typename Vertex , typename Edge >
void GenericStateGraph< Vertex, Edge >::Write ( const std::string &  _filename,
Environment _env 
) const

Write the current roadmap out to a roadmap (.map) file.

_filenameThe name of the map file to write to.
_envThe environment for which this map was constructed.

Reimplemented in CompositeGraph< Vertex, Edge >.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ Read

template<typename Vertex , typename Edge >
template<typename RG >
void Read ( RG *  _g,
const std::string &  _filename 

Read in a roadmap (.map) file.

_filenameThe name of the map file to read.
Temporarily moved to non-member function.

◆ ReadMessage

template<typename Vertex , typename Edge >
template<typename RG >
void ReadMessage ( RG *  _g,
const std::string &  _msg 

Field Documentation

◆ m_addEdgeHooks

template<typename Vertex , typename Edge >
std::unordered_map<std::string, EdgeHook> GenericStateGraph< Vertex, Edge >::m_addEdgeHooks

Hook functions to call when adding an edge.

◆ m_addVertexHooks

template<typename Vertex , typename Edge >
std::unordered_map<std::string, VertexHook> GenericStateGraph< Vertex, Edge >::m_addVertexHooks

Hook functions to call when adding a vertex.

◆ m_allVIDs

template<typename Vertex , typename Edge >
VertexSet GenericStateGraph< Vertex, Edge >::m_allVIDs

A set of all VIDs in the roadmap. We track this to make nearest-neighbor queries more efficient.

◆ m_ccTracker

template<typename Vertex , typename Edge >
std::unique_ptr<CCTrackerType> GenericStateGraph< Vertex, Edge >::m_ccTracker

Tracks weak CCs within the roadmap.

◆ m_deleteEdgeHooks

template<typename Vertex , typename Edge >
std::unordered_map<std::string, EdgeHook> GenericStateGraph< Vertex, Edge >::m_deleteEdgeHooks

Hook functions to call when deleting an edge.

◆ m_deleteVertexHooks

template<typename Vertex , typename Edge >
std::unordered_map<std::string, VertexHook> GenericStateGraph< Vertex, Edge >::m_deleteVertexHooks

Hook functions to call when deleting a vertex.

◆ m_enableHooks

template<typename Vertex , typename Edge >
bool GenericStateGraph< Vertex, Edge >::m_enableHooks {true}

Use hook functions?

◆ m_predecessors

template<typename Vertex , typename Edge >
std::unordered_map<VID, VertexSet> GenericStateGraph< Vertex, Edge >::m_predecessors

Tracks predecessor information. We use this instead of switching to a STAPL directed_preds graph because (a) directed_preds uses a vector for storage of VIDs, making all changes linear-time operations in the in-degree of each vertex, and (b) the STAPL API is not interchangable as it should be, so switching causes ridiculous compiler errors.

◆ m_robot

template<typename Vertex , typename Edge >
Robot* GenericStateGraph< Vertex, Edge >::m_robot {nullptr}

The robot this roadmap is for.

◆ m_timestamp

template<typename Vertex , typename Edge >
size_t GenericStateGraph< Vertex, Edge >::m_timestamp {0}

Tracks the number of changes to the graph.

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