Parasol Planning Library (PPL)
TopologicalMap Class Referencefinal

#include <TopologicalMap.h>

Inheritance diagram for TopologicalMap:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for TopologicalMap:
Collaboration graph

Public Types

Local Types
typedef MPBaseObject::WeightType WeightType
typedef MPBaseObject::RoadmapType RoadmapType
typedef RoadmapType::VID VID
typedef RoadmapType::VI VI
typedef RoadmapType::VertexSet VertexSet
typedef std::vector< const WorkspaceRegion * > NeighborhoodKey
typedef std::unordered_map< const WorkspaceRegion *, double > DistanceMap
 A map describing the distance to a region from some starting point. More...
typedef std::map< const WorkspaceRegion *, VertexSetOccupancyMap
 A map of the VIDs occupying a given region. More...
- Public Types inherited from MPBaseObject
typedef DefaultWeight< CfgWeightType
typedef GenericStateGraph< Cfg, WeightTypeRoadmapType
typedef GroupCfg< RoadmapTypeGroupCfgType
typedef GroupLocalPlan< RoadmapTypeGroupWeightType
typedef GroupRoadmap< GroupCfgType, GroupWeightTypeGroupRoadmapType

Public Member Functions

 TopologicalMap ()
 TopologicalMap (double gridSize, string decomp_label)
 TopologicalMap (XMLNode &_node)
virtual ~TopologicalMap ()
MPBaseObject Overrides
virtual void Initialize () override
Map Queries
const VertexSetGetMappedVIDs (RoadmapType *const _r, const WorkspaceRegion *const _region, const size_t _bodyIndex=0) const
const WorkspaceRegionGetMappedRegion (RoadmapType *const _r, const VID _vid, const size_t _bodyIndex=0) const
bool IsPopulated (RoadmapType *const _r, const WorkspaceRegion *const _region, const size_t _bodyIndex=0) const
Region and Cell Location
const WorkspaceRegionGetRandomRegion () const
 Let it be a light for you in dark places, when all other lights go out. More...
const WorkspaceRegionLocateRegion (RoadmapType *const _r, const VID _vid, const size_t _bodyIndex=0) const
const WorkspaceRegionLocateRegion (const Cfg &_c, const size_t _bodyIndex=0) const
const WorkspaceRegionLocateRegion (const Point3d &_p) const
const WorkspaceRegionLocateNearestRegion (const Cfg &_c, const size_t _bodyIndex=0) const
const WorkspaceRegionLocateNearestRegion (const Point3d &_p) const
size_t LocateCell (RoadmapType *const _r, const VID _v, const size_t _bodyIndex=0) const
size_t LocateCell (const Cfg &_c, const size_t _bodyIndex=0) const
size_t LocateCell (const Point3d &_p) const
Neighborhood Keys

A neighborhood key describes the workspace regions that are occupied by each body of the robot. This is the result of LocateRegion for each body.

NeighborhoodKey LocateNeighborhood (RoadmapType *const _r, const VID _v) const
NeighborhoodKey LocateNeighborhood (const Cfg &_c) const
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. More...
Decomposition Access
const WorkspaceDecompositionGetDecomposition () const
 Get the decomposition used by this map. More...
Inter-Region Distance
double ApproximateMinimumInnerDistance (const WorkspaceRegion *const _source, const WorkspaceRegion *const _target)
const DistanceMapComputeApproximateMinimumInnerDistances (const WorkspaceRegion *const _source, const double _radius)
- Public Member Functions inherited from MPBaseObject
 MPBaseObject (const std::string &_label="", const std::string &_name="", bool _debug=false)
 MPBaseObject (XMLNode &_node)
virtual ~MPBaseObject ()
virtual void Print (std::ostream &_os) const
const std::string & GetName () const
 Get the class name for this object. More...
const std::string & GetLabel () const
 Get the unique label for this object. More...
std::string GetNameAndLabel () const
 Get the unique string identifier for this object "m_name::m_label". More...
void SetLabel (const std::string &)
 Set the unique label for this object. More...
void SetMPLibrary (MPLibrary *) noexcept
 Set the owning MPLibrary. More...
MPLibraryGetMPLibrary () const noexcept
 Get the owning MPLibrary. More...
bool IsRunning () const noexcept
 Check the library's running flag. More...
MPProblemGetMPProblem () const noexcept
 Get the library's current MPProblem. More...
EnvironmentGetEnvironment () const noexcept
 Get the current environment. More...
MPTaskGetTask () const noexcept
 Get the current task. More...
GroupTaskGetGroupTask () const noexcept
 Get the current group task. More...
MPSolutionTypeGetMPSolution () const noexcept
RoadmapTypeGetRoadmap (Robot *const _r=nullptr) const noexcept
 Get the current free-space roadmap. More...
GroupRoadmapTypeGetGroupRoadmap (RobotGroup *const _g=nullptr) const noexcept
 Get the current free-space group roadmap. More...
RoadmapTypeGetBlockRoadmap (Robot *const _r=nullptr) const noexcept
 Get the current obstacle-space roadmap. More...
PathGetPath (Robot *const _r=nullptr) const noexcept
GroupPathGetGroupPath (RobotGroup *const _g=nullptr) const noexcept
 Get the current best group path. More...
StatClassGetStatClass () const noexcept
 Get the current StatClass. More...
LocalObstacleMapGetLocalObstacleMap () const noexcept
 Get the local obstacle map. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from MPBaseObject
void SetName (const std::string &_s)
const std::string & GetBaseFilename () const
- Protected Attributes inherited from MPBaseObject
bool m_debug
 Print debug info? More...

Detailed Description

A topological map from roadmap vertices to decomposition cells. The map is updated whenever a vertex is added or removed.

The documentation will frequently refer to VIDs or configurations that are 'contained' within a workspace region or grid cell. In this context, a configuration is contained by a region or cell if it's reference point (used for distance measurement) lies within.

Reference: Read Sandstrom, Andrew Bregger, Ben Smith, Shawna Thomas, and Nancy M. Amato. "Topological Nearest-Neighbor Filtering for Sampling-based Planners". ICRA 2018.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ DistanceMap

typedef std::unordered_map<const WorkspaceRegion*, double> TopologicalMap::DistanceMap

A map describing the distance to a region from some starting point.

◆ NeighborhoodKey

typedef std::vector<const WorkspaceRegion*> TopologicalMap::NeighborhoodKey

◆ OccupancyMap

A map of the VIDs occupying a given region.

◆ RoadmapType

◆ VertexSet

◆ VI


◆ WeightType

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ TopologicalMap() [1/3]

TopologicalMap::TopologicalMap ( )

◆ TopologicalMap() [2/3]

TopologicalMap::TopologicalMap ( double  gridSize,
string  decomp_label 

◆ TopologicalMap() [3/3]

TopologicalMap::TopologicalMap ( XMLNode _node)

◆ ~TopologicalMap()

TopologicalMap::~TopologicalMap ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ ApproximateMinimumInnerDistance()

double TopologicalMap::ApproximateMinimumInnerDistance ( const WorkspaceRegion *const  _source,
const WorkspaceRegion *const  _target 

Approximate the minimum inner distance between two regions. This estimates the shortest-path distance through free space.

_sourceThe source region.
_targetThe target region.
The approximate minimum distance from _source to _target measured through free workspace. If it hasn't already been computed, infinity will be returned. Passing null as one of the regions will return the max computed frontier distance (0 for none).

◆ ComputeApproximateMinimumInnerDistances()

const TopologicalMap::DistanceMap & TopologicalMap::ComputeApproximateMinimumInnerDistances ( const WorkspaceRegion *const  _source,
const double  _radius 

Compute approximate minimum inner cell distances from a source region out to a given radius.

_sourceThe source cell.
_radiusCompute inner distances for cells within this radius.
Refactor this and SSSP code to unify implementations. I think it should be feasible to make an adaptor class to give our grid (which represents an implicit graph) an API that is compatible with the STAPL (explicit) graph.

A search element in the priority queue.

< The visited cell.

< The distance to the nearest search root from cell.

Total ordering by increasing distance.

◆ GetDecomposition()

const WorkspaceDecomposition * TopologicalMap::GetDecomposition ( ) const

Get the decomposition used by this map.

◆ GetMappedRegion()

const WorkspaceRegion * TopologicalMap::GetMappedRegion ( RoadmapType *const  _r,
const VID  _vid,
const size_t  _bodyIndex = 0 
) const

Get the workspace region to which a given VID is mapped.

_vidThe VID of interest.
_bodyIndexThe body to use.
The workspace region in which body _bodyIndex resides when configured at _vid.

◆ GetMappedVIDs()

const TopologicalMap::VertexSet * TopologicalMap::GetMappedVIDs ( RoadmapType *const  _r,
const WorkspaceRegion *const  _region,
const size_t  _bodyIndex = 0 
) const

Get the set of VIDs that are bucketed within a given region.

_regionThe region of interest.
_bodyIndexThe body to use.
The set of VIDs that have body _bodyIndex mapped to _region.

◆ GetRandomRegion()

const WorkspaceRegion * TopologicalMap::GetRandomRegion ( ) const

Let it be a light for you in dark places, when all other lights go out.

◆ Initialize()

void TopologicalMap::Initialize ( )

Initialize this object for the current MPProblem. This should reset any internal state of the algorithms so that they are ready for execution. It is also the place to initialize any state that depends on the current problem.

This member will be called for every compiled algorithm in the planning library - even those that will not be used. If an algorithm needs to do expenisve setup, then this method should only set a flag that tells it to do so on first use. The only exceptions are the MPStrategies, which will only have their initialize called on first use.
Move this to the decomposition class, which currently cannot do this job because it does not know its own label.
We could probably do this lazily if we use something like a segment tree to find the regions which intersect a cell.

@TODO This exception should probably be a check on whether the robot's largest minimum body radius is larger than the grid resolution, I think probably at least 3x?

Reimplemented from MPBaseObject.

◆ IsPopulated()

bool TopologicalMap::IsPopulated ( RoadmapType *const  _r,
const WorkspaceRegion *const  _region,
const size_t  _bodyIndex = 0 
) const

Check if a region is populated.

_regionThe region to check.
_bodyIndexThe body to use.
True if the region contains any configurations of _bodyIndex.

◆ LocateCell() [1/3]

size_t TopologicalMap::LocateCell ( const Cfg _c,
const size_t  _bodyIndex = 0 
) const

Find the grid cell index that holds a given configuration.

_cThe configuration.
_bodyIndexThe body to use.
The index of the grid cell which contains _bodyIndex when configured at _c.

◆ LocateCell() [2/3]

size_t TopologicalMap::LocateCell ( const Point3d &  _p) const

Find the grid cell index that holds a workspace point.

_pThe workspace point.
The index of the grid cell which contains _p.

◆ LocateCell() [3/3]

size_t TopologicalMap::LocateCell ( RoadmapType *const  _r,
const VID  _v,
const size_t  _bodyIndex = 0 
) const

Find the grid cell index that holds a given configuration.

_vThe configuration VID.
_bodyIndexThe body to use.
The index of the grid cell which contains _bodyIndex when configured at _v.

◆ LocateNearestRegion() [1/2]

const WorkspaceRegion * TopologicalMap::LocateNearestRegion ( const Cfg _c,
const size_t  _bodyIndex = 0 
) const

Try to find the nearest region for a configuration in obstacle space.

_cThe configuration in obstacle space.
_bodyIndexThe body to use.
The nearest region to _p, or null if it cannot be found.

◆ LocateNearestRegion() [2/2]

const WorkspaceRegion * TopologicalMap::LocateNearestRegion ( const Point3d &  _p) const

Try to find the nearest region for a point in obstacle space.

_pThe point in obstacle space.
The nearest region to _p, or null if it cannot be found.

◆ LocateNeighborhood() [1/2]

TopologicalMap::NeighborhoodKey TopologicalMap::LocateNeighborhood ( const Cfg _c) const

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

◆ LocateNeighborhood() [2/2]

TopologicalMap::NeighborhoodKey TopologicalMap::LocateNeighborhood ( RoadmapType *const  _r,
const VID  _v 
) const

Locate the neighborhood that is occupied by a robot in a particular configuration.

◆ LocateRegion() [1/3]

const WorkspaceRegion * TopologicalMap::LocateRegion ( const Cfg _c,
const size_t  _bodyIndex = 0 
) const

Find the workspace region that contains the reference point for a given configuration and body.

_cThe configuration.
_bodyIndexThe body to use.
The region containing _bodyIndex at _c, or null if in obstacle space.

◆ LocateRegion() [2/3]

const WorkspaceRegion * TopologicalMap::LocateRegion ( const Point3d &  _p) const

Find the workspace region that contains a given point.

_pThe workspace point.
The region containing _p, or null if _p is in obstacle space.

◆ LocateRegion() [3/3]

const WorkspaceRegion * TopologicalMap::LocateRegion ( RoadmapType *const  _r,
const VID  _vid,
const size_t  _bodyIndex = 0 
) const

Find the workspace region that contains the reference point for a given configuration and body.

_vidThe configuration's VID.
_bodyIndexThe body to use.
The region containing _bodyIndex at _vid, or null if in obstacle space.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: