Parasol Planning Library (PPL)
SIPPMethod Class Reference

#include <SIPPMethod.h>

Inheritance diagram for SIPPMethod:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for SIPPMethod:
Collaboration graph

Public Types

Local Types
typedef std::unordered_set< size_t > VIDSet
typedef MPBaseObject::RoadmapType RoadmapType
typedef MPBaseObject::GroupRoadmapType GroupRoadmapType
typedef MPBaseObject::GroupCfgType GroupCfgType
typedef MPBaseObject::GroupWeightType GroupWeightType
typedef std::map< std::pair< size_t, size_t >, std::vector< Range< size_t > > > EdgeIntervalMap
typedef std::map< size_t, std::vector< Range< size_t > > > VertexIntervalMap
typedef GenericStateGraph< SIPPVertex, SIPPEdgeSIPPGraph
- Public Types inherited from MapEvaluatorMethod
typedef std::unordered_map< size_t, std::unordered_map< size_t, std::vector< Range< double > > > > EdgeIntervals
- Public Types inherited from MPBaseObject
typedef DefaultWeight< CfgWeightType
typedef GenericStateGraph< Cfg, WeightTypeRoadmapType
typedef GroupCfg< RoadmapTypeGroupCfgType
typedef GroupLocalPlan< RoadmapTypeGroupWeightType
typedef GroupRoadmap< GroupCfgType, GroupWeightTypeGroupRoadmapType

Public Member Functions

 SIPPMethod ()
 SIPPMethod (XMLNode &_node)
virtual ~SIPPMethod ()=default
MPBaseObject Overrides
virtual void Print (std::ostream &_os) const override
virtual void Initialize () override
MapEvaluator Interface
virtual bool operator() () override
Query Interface
std::pair< std::vector< size_t >, std::vector< size_t > > GeneratePath (const size_t _start, const std::vector< size_t > _goals)
void SetDMLabel (const std::string &_dmLabel)
 Set the distance metric to use. More...
void SetStartTime (size_t _start)
 Set the start time of the query. More...
void SetMinEndTime (size_t _end)
 Set the end time of the query. More...
void SetEdgeIntervals (EdgeIntervalMap _edgeIntervals)
 Set the edge intervals to use to generate a path. More...
void SetVertexIntervals (VertexIntervalMap _vertexIntervals)
 Set the edge intervals to use to generate a path. More...
bool SatisfyConstraints (Range< size_t > _interval)
 Check if the path satisfies all constraints. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from MapEvaluatorMethod
virtual void SetEdgeIntervals (EdgeIntervals _edgeIntervals)
 Set the edge intervals of a roadmap. More...
virtual void SetMinEndtime (double _minEndtime)
 Set the minimum end time of a path. More...
void SetActiveRobots (const std::vector< size_t > &_activeRobots)
 Set the active robots. More...
std::vector< size_t > GetActiveRobots () const
 Get the active robots. More...
 MapEvaluatorMethod ()=default
 MapEvaluatorMethod (XMLNode &_node)
virtual ~MapEvaluatorMethod ()=default
- Public Member Functions inherited from MPBaseObject
 MPBaseObject (const std::string &_label="", const std::string &_name="", bool _debug=false)
 MPBaseObject (XMLNode &_node)
virtual ~MPBaseObject ()
const std::string & GetName () const
 Get the class name for this object. More...
const std::string & GetLabel () const
 Get the unique label for this object. More...
std::string GetNameAndLabel () const
 Get the unique string identifier for this object "m_name::m_label". More...
void SetLabel (const std::string &)
 Set the unique label for this object. More...
void SetMPLibrary (MPLibrary *) noexcept
 Set the owning MPLibrary. More...
MPLibraryGetMPLibrary () const noexcept
 Get the owning MPLibrary. More...
bool IsRunning () const noexcept
 Check the library's running flag. More...
MPProblemGetMPProblem () const noexcept
 Get the library's current MPProblem. More...
EnvironmentGetEnvironment () const noexcept
 Get the current environment. More...
MPTaskGetTask () const noexcept
 Get the current task. More...
GroupTaskGetGroupTask () const noexcept
 Get the current group task. More...
MPSolutionTypeGetMPSolution () const noexcept
RoadmapTypeGetRoadmap (Robot *const _r=nullptr) const noexcept
 Get the current free-space roadmap. More...
GroupRoadmapTypeGetGroupRoadmap (RobotGroup *const _g=nullptr) const noexcept
 Get the current free-space group roadmap. More...
RoadmapTypeGetBlockRoadmap (Robot *const _r=nullptr) const noexcept
 Get the current obstacle-space roadmap. More...
PathGetPath (Robot *const _r=nullptr) const noexcept
GroupPathGetGroupPath (RobotGroup *const _g=nullptr) const noexcept
 Get the current best group path. More...
StatClassGetStatClass () const noexcept
 Get the current StatClass. More...
LocalObstacleMapGetLocalObstacleMap () const noexcept
 Get the local obstacle map. More...

Protected Member Functions

virtual void Reset ()
virtual bool PerformSubQuery (const size_t _start, const std::vector< size_t > _goals)
virtual double PathWeight (typename SIPPGraph::adj_edge_iterator &_ei, const double _sourceDistance, const double _targetDistance)
double SIPPHeuristic (const SIPPGraph *_g, typename SIPPGraph::vertex_descriptor _source, typename SIPPGraph::vertex_descriptor _target)
void SIPPNeighbors (SIPPGraph *_g, typename SIPPGraph::vertex_descriptor _vid)
 Neighbors function for Safe interval path planning. More...
template<typename AbstractRoadmap >
void SIPPNeighbors (SIPPGraph *_g, typename SIPPGraph::vertex_descriptor _vid, AbstractRoadmap *_rm)
template<typename AbstractRoadmap >
void BuildNeighbors (typename SIPPGraph::vertex_descriptor _sippSource, size_t _rmTarget, AbstractRoadmap *_rm)
 Construct the SIPP neighbors for roadmap edge. More...
void InitializeCostToGo (const std::vector< size_t > _goal)
 Initialize the cost to go from the start point to the goal. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from MPBaseObject
void SetName (const std::string &_s)
const std::string & GetBaseFilename () const

Protected Attributes

Internal State
SIPPGraphm_sippGraph {nullptr}
 The graph representing the time-interval extended state space. More...
size_t m_goalIndex {0}
 Index of the current goal to extend the path to. More...
size_t m_startVID {SIZE_MAX}
 The start vid in the sipp graph. More...
std::unordered_map< size_t, double > m_costToGoMap
 Cost-to-go map used for heuristic values. More...
EdgeIntervalMap m_edgeIntervals
 Set of safe edge intervals. More...
VertexIntervalMap m_vertexIntervals
 Set of safe vertex intervals. More...
std::unordered_map< size_t, std::unordered_map< size_t, size_t > > m_waitTimesteps
 Compute wait timesteps at each vertex during the search process. More...
size_t m_startTime {0}
 The start time of the path. More...
size_t m_minEndTime {0}
 The minimum end time of the path. More...
bool m_initialized {false}
 Flag indicating if the object has been initialized. More...
bool m_minTime {true}
 Flag indiciating if search is minimizing time or distance metric. More...
std::string m_safeIntervalLabel
 Label of the SI Tool to use. More...
std::string m_dmLabel
 Distance metric label. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from MapEvaluatorMethod
std::vector< size_t > m_activeRobots
- Protected Attributes inherited from MPBaseObject
bool m_debug
 Print debug info? More...

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ EdgeIntervalMap

typedef std::map<std::pair<size_t,size_t>, std::vector<Range<size_t> > > SIPPMethod::EdgeIntervalMap

◆ GroupCfgType

◆ GroupRoadmapType

◆ GroupWeightType

◆ RoadmapType

◆ SIPPGraph

◆ VertexIntervalMap

typedef std::map<size_t,std::vector<Range<size_t> > > SIPPMethod::VertexIntervalMap

◆ VIDSet

typedef std::unordered_set<size_t> SIPPMethod::VIDSet

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ SIPPMethod() [1/2]

SIPPMethod::SIPPMethod ( )

◆ SIPPMethod() [2/2]

SIPPMethod::SIPPMethod ( XMLNode _node)

◆ ~SIPPMethod()

virtual SIPPMethod::~SIPPMethod ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ BuildNeighbors()

template<typename AbstractRoadmap >
void SIPPMethod::BuildNeighbors ( typename SIPPGraph::vertex_descriptor  _sippSource,
size_t  _rmTarget,
AbstractRoadmap *  _rm 

Construct the SIPP neighbors for roadmap edge.

◆ GeneratePath()

std::pair< std::vector< size_t >, std::vector< size_t > > SIPPMethod::GeneratePath ( const size_t  _start,
const std::vector< size_t >  _goals 

Generate a path from a start point to a goal point

_startThe start coordinate.
_goalThe goal coordinate.

◆ Initialize()

void SIPPMethod::Initialize ( )

Initialize this object for the current MPProblem. This should reset any internal state of the algorithms so that they are ready for execution. It is also the place to initialize any state that depends on the current problem.

This member will be called for every compiled algorithm in the planning library - even those that will not be used. If an algorithm needs to do expenisve setup, then this method should only set a flag that tells it to do so on first use. The only exceptions are the MPStrategies, which will only have their initialize called on first use.

Reimplemented from MPBaseObject.

◆ InitializeCostToGo()

void SIPPMethod::InitializeCostToGo ( const std::vector< size_t >  _goal)

Initialize the cost to go from the start point to the goal.

◆ operator()()

bool SIPPMethod::operator() ( )

Evaluate a roadmap.

True if this roadmap meets the evaluation criteria.

Implements MapEvaluatorMethod.

◆ PathWeight()

double SIPPMethod::PathWeight ( typename SIPPGraph::adj_edge_iterator &  _ei,
const double  _sourceDistance,
const double  _targetDistance 

Define a function for computing path weights w.r.t. dynamic obstacles. Here the metric is the number of time steps, and we return the distance with a wait time if taking an edge would result in a collision with a dynamic obstacle. If waiting cannot fix, return infinity.

_eiAn iterator to the edge we are checking.
_sourceDistanceThe shortest time to the source node.
_targetDistanceThe best known time to the target node.
The time to the target node via this edge including waiting, or infinity if taking this edge would result in a collision with dynamic obstacles.

◆ PerformSubQuery()

bool SIPPMethod::PerformSubQuery ( const size_t  _start,
const std::vector< size_t >  _goals 

Check whether a path connecting a start to one of several goals exists in the roadmap using safe intervals.

_startThe start VID to use.
_goalsThe goal VIDs to use.
True if a path from _start to one of _goals was generated.

◆ Print()

void SIPPMethod::Print ( std::ostream &  _os) const

Print internal state of this object.

_osThe std::ostream to print to.

Reimplemented from MPBaseObject.

◆ Reset()

void SIPPMethod::Reset ( )

Reset the path and list of undiscovered goals. Also resets wait times and cached safe intervals.

◆ SatisfyConstraints()

bool SIPPMethod::SatisfyConstraints ( Range< size_t >  _interval)

Check if the path satisfies all constraints.

◆ SetDMLabel()

void SIPPMethod::SetDMLabel ( const std::string &  _dmLabel)

Set the distance metric to use.

◆ SetEdgeIntervals()

void SIPPMethod::SetEdgeIntervals ( EdgeIntervalMap  _edgeIntervals)

Set the edge intervals to use to generate a path.

◆ SetMinEndTime()

void SIPPMethod::SetMinEndTime ( size_t  _end)

Set the end time of the query.

◆ SetStartTime()

void SIPPMethod::SetStartTime ( size_t  _start)

Set the start time of the query.

◆ SetVertexIntervals()

void SIPPMethod::SetVertexIntervals ( VertexIntervalMap  _vertexIntervals)

Set the edge intervals to use to generate a path.

◆ SIPPHeuristic()

double SIPPMethod::SIPPHeuristic ( const SIPPGraph _g,
typename SIPPGraph::vertex_descriptor  _source,
typename SIPPGraph::vertex_descriptor  _target 

Heuristic function for Safe interval path planning. Calls Dijkstra's from goal node to find shortest path to all nodes in roadmap.


◆ SIPPNeighbors() [1/2]

void SIPPMethod::SIPPNeighbors ( SIPPGraph _g,
typename SIPPGraph::vertex_descriptor  _vid 

Neighbors function for Safe interval path planning.

◆ SIPPNeighbors() [2/2]

template<typename AbstractRoadmap >
void SIPPMethod::SIPPNeighbors ( SIPPGraph _g,
typename SIPPGraph::vertex_descriptor  _vid,
AbstractRoadmap *  _rm 

Field Documentation

◆ m_costToGoMap

std::unordered_map<size_t,double> SIPPMethod::m_costToGoMap

Cost-to-go map used for heuristic values.

◆ m_dmLabel

std::string SIPPMethod::m_dmLabel

Distance metric label.

◆ m_edgeIntervals

EdgeIntervalMap SIPPMethod::m_edgeIntervals

Set of safe edge intervals.

◆ m_goalIndex

size_t SIPPMethod::m_goalIndex {0}

Index of the current goal to extend the path to.

◆ m_initialized

bool SIPPMethod::m_initialized {false}

Flag indicating if the object has been initialized.

◆ m_minEndTime

size_t SIPPMethod::m_minEndTime {0}

The minimum end time of the path.

◆ m_minTime

bool SIPPMethod::m_minTime {true}

Flag indiciating if search is minimizing time or distance metric.

◆ m_safeIntervalLabel

std::string SIPPMethod::m_safeIntervalLabel

Label of the SI Tool to use.

◆ m_sippGraph

SIPPGraph* SIPPMethod::m_sippGraph {nullptr}

The graph representing the time-interval extended state space.

◆ m_startTime

size_t SIPPMethod::m_startTime {0}

The start time of the path.

◆ m_startVID

size_t SIPPMethod::m_startVID {SIZE_MAX}

The start vid in the sipp graph.

◆ m_vertexIntervals

VertexIntervalMap SIPPMethod::m_vertexIntervals

Set of safe vertex intervals.

◆ m_waitTimesteps

std::unordered_map<size_t,std::unordered_map<size_t,size_t> > SIPPMethod::m_waitTimesteps

Compute wait timesteps at each vertex during the search process.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: