Parasol Planning Library (PPL)
Protected Member Functions | Protected Attributes
ClearanceUtility Class Reference

#include <ClearanceUtilities.h>

Inheritance diagram for ClearanceUtility:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for ClearanceUtility:
Collaboration graph

Public Types

Motion Planning Types
typedef MPBaseObject::WeightType WeightType
typedef MPBaseObject::RoadmapType RoadmapType
typedef RoadmapType::VID VID
- Public Types inherited from MPBaseObject
typedef DefaultWeight< CfgWeightType
typedef GenericStateGraph< Cfg, WeightTypeRoadmapType
typedef GroupCfg< RoadmapTypeGroupCfgType
typedef GroupLocalPlan< RoadmapTypeGroupWeightType
typedef GroupRoadmap< GroupCfgType, GroupWeightTypeGroupRoadmapType

Public Member Functions

 ClearanceUtility (string _vcLabel="", string _dmLabel="", bool _exactClearance=false, bool _exactPenetration=false, size_t _clearanceRays=10, size_t _penetrationRays=10, double _approxStepSize=MAX_DBL, double _approxResolution=MAX_DBL, bool _useBBX=true, bool _positionalDofsOnly=true, bool _debug=false)
 ClearanceUtility (XMLNode &_node)
virtual ~ClearanceUtility ()=default
MPBaseObject Overrides
virtual void Print (ostream &_os) const override
virtual void Initialize () override
const string & GetDistanceMetricLabel () const
const string & GetValidityCheckerLabel () const
void SetValidityCheckerLabel (const string &_s)
bool GetExactClearance () const
double GetPositionResolution () const
double GetOrientationResolution () const
bool IsInitialized () const
Clearance Functions
bool CollisionInfo (Cfg &_cfg, Cfg &_clrCfg, const Boundary *const _b, CDInfo &_cdInfo, const bool &_useOppValidityWitness=true)
bool ExactCollisionInfo (Cfg &_cfg, Cfg &_clrCfg, const Boundary *const _b, CDInfo &_cdInfo, const bool _useOppValidityWitness=true)
bool ApproxCollisionInfo (Cfg &_cfg, Cfg &_clrCfg, const Boundary *const _b, CDInfo &_cdInfo, const bool &_useOppValidityWitness=true)
bool FindApproximateWitness (const std::size_t &_numRays, std::vector< Ray< Cfg > > &_rays, const Cfg &_sampledCfg, const bool &_initValidity, const Boundary *const _b, std::pair< size_t, Cfg > &_candidate, const bool &_useOppValidityWitness=true)
void MakeRays (const Cfg &_sampledCfg, const std::size_t &_numRays, std::vector< Ray< Cfg > > &_rays)
bool ValidateCandidate (const std::pair< size_t, Cfg > &_cand, const std::vector< Ray< Cfg > > &_rays, const Boundary *const _b, const bool &_useOppValidityWitness=true)
ClearanceStats RoadmapClearance ()
ClearanceStats PathClearance (vector< VID > &_path)
ClearanceStats PathClearance (vector< Cfg > &_path)
vector< double > EdgeClearance (const Cfg &_c1, const Cfg &_c2, const WeightType &_weight)
const bool GetNearestVertexWitness (Cfg &_cfg, CDInfo &_cdInfo, const Boundary *const _b)
void SetRobot (Robot *_robot)
- Public Member Functions inherited from MPBaseObject
 MPBaseObject (const std::string &_label="", const std::string &_name="", bool _debug=false)
 MPBaseObject (XMLNode &_node)
virtual ~MPBaseObject ()
const std::string & GetName () const
 Get the class name for this object. More...
const std::string & GetLabel () const
 Get the unique label for this object. More...
std::string GetNameAndLabel () const
 Get the unique string identifier for this object "m_name::m_label". More...
void SetLabel (const std::string &)
 Set the unique label for this object. More...
void SetMPLibrary (MPLibrary *) noexcept
 Set the owning MPLibrary. More...
MPLibraryGetMPLibrary () const noexcept
 Get the owning MPLibrary. More...
bool IsRunning () const noexcept
 Check the library's running flag. More...
MPProblemGetMPProblem () const noexcept
 Get the library's current MPProblem. More...
EnvironmentGetEnvironment () const noexcept
 Get the current environment. More...
MPTaskGetTask () const noexcept
 Get the current task. More...
GroupTaskGetGroupTask () const noexcept
 Get the current group task. More...
MPSolutionTypeGetMPSolution () const noexcept
RoadmapTypeGetRoadmap (Robot *const _r=nullptr) const noexcept
 Get the current free-space roadmap. More...
GroupRoadmapTypeGetGroupRoadmap (RobotGroup *const _g=nullptr) const noexcept
 Get the current free-space group roadmap. More...
RoadmapTypeGetBlockRoadmap (Robot *const _r=nullptr) const noexcept
 Get the current obstacle-space roadmap. More...
PathGetPath (Robot *const _r=nullptr) const noexcept
GroupPathGetGroupPath (RobotGroup *const _g=nullptr) const noexcept
 Get the current best group path. More...
StatClassGetStatClass () const noexcept
 Get the current StatClass. More...
LocalObstacleMapGetLocalObstacleMap () const noexcept
 Get the local obstacle map. More...

Protected Member Functions

bool AdjustWitnessToEnsureValidity (const Cfg &_cfg, const bool _initValidity, Cfg &_witnessCfg, const Boundary *const _b, const bool _useOppValidityWitness=true)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from MPBaseObject
void SetName (const std::string &_s)
const std::string & GetBaseFilename () const

Protected Attributes

int abcd = 0
Internal State
string m_vcLabel {"cd4"}
 Validity checker method label. More...
string m_dmLabel {"euclidean"}
 Distance metric method label. More...
bool m_useBBX {true}
 Use bounding box as obstacle? More...
bool m_positionalDofsOnly {true}
 Use only positional dofs? More...
bool m_exactClearance {false}
 Use exact clearance calculations? More...
bool m_exactPenetration {false}
 Use exact penetration calculations? More...
size_t m_clearanceRays {10}
 Number of rays for approximate clearance. More...
size_t m_penetrationRays {10}
 Number of rays for approximate penetration. More...
double m_rayTickResolution
 The resolution for rayTicks. More...
double m_orientationResolution
 The orientation resolution. More...
double m_maxRayMagnitude
 How far out a ray will be attempted. More...
size_t m_maxRayIterations
 The maximum number of ray iterations. More...
double m_orientationResFactor {1.}
 The orientation resolution factor. More...
double m_positionalResFactor {1.}
 The position resoluiton factor. More...
double m_maSearchResolutionFactor {1}
 The search resolution factor. More...
bool m_initialized {false}
- Protected Attributes inherited from MPBaseObject
bool m_debug
 Print debug info? More...

Detailed Description

Computes clearance and penetration of configurations with respect to obstacles.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ RoadmapType


◆ WeightType

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ClearanceUtility() [1/2]

ClearanceUtility::ClearanceUtility ( string  _vcLabel = "",
string  _dmLabel = "",
bool  _exactClearance = false,
bool  _exactPenetration = false,
size_t  _clearanceRays = 10,
size_t  _penetrationRays = 10,
double  _approxStepSize = MAX_DBL,
double  _approxResolution = MAX_DBL,
bool  _useBBX = true,
bool  _positionalDofsOnly = true,
bool  _debug = false 

Construct a ClearanceUtility object

_vcLabelThe validity checker to use.
_dmLabelThe distance metric to use.
_exactClearanceUse exact clearance or not.
_exactPenetrationUse exact penetration or not.
_clearanceRaysThe number of clearance rays to use.
_penetrationRaysThe number of penetration rays to use.
_approxStepSizeThe approximate step size to use.
_approxResolutionThe approximate resolution to use.
_useBBXUse BBX or not.
_positionalDofsOnlyUse only positional DOFs.
_debugSet to debug mode or not.

◆ ClearanceUtility() [2/2]

ClearanceUtility::ClearanceUtility ( XMLNode _node)

Construct a ClearanceUtility object from an XML node

_nodeThe XML node to use

◆ ~ClearanceUtility()

virtual ClearanceUtility::~ClearanceUtility ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ AdjustWitnessToEnsureValidity()

bool ClearanceUtility::AdjustWitnessToEnsureValidity ( const Cfg _cfg,
const bool  _initValidity,
Cfg _witnessCfg,
const Boundary *const  _b,
const bool  _useOppValidityWitness = true 

Adjusts a witness from a nearby witness point to a point of guaranteed validity, based on _initValidity and _useOppValidityWitness. this is a helper function called by ExactCollisionInfo.

_cfgThe sampled configuration to we wish to push
_initValidityThe initial validity of _cfg
_witnessCfgThe candidiate witness configuration
_bThe boundary to use
_useOppValidityWitnessWhether _cfg and _witness should be the the same validity or not
Whether the witness was successfully adjusted to satisfy the _useOppValidityWitness condition. If succesfully, the _witnessCfg is updated.

◆ ApproxCollisionInfo()

bool ClearanceUtility::ApproxCollisionInfo ( Cfg _cfg,
Cfg _clrCfg,
const Boundary *const  _b,
CDInfo _cdInfo,
const bool &  _useOppValidityWitness = true 

Calculate the approximate clearance using a series of rays. The specified number of rays are pushed outward until they change in validity. The shortest ray is stored as the witness.

_cfgThe configuration to push
_clrCfgPlace holder for the clearance configuration
_bThe boundary
_cdInfoCollision detector information reference
_useOppValidityWitnessWhether the witness should be of opposite validity to _cfg.
Whether a witness was found, if found information will be stored in _clrCfg and _cdInfo.

◆ CollisionInfo()

bool ClearanceUtility::CollisionInfo ( Cfg _cfg,
Cfg _clrCfg,
const Boundary *const  _b,
CDInfo _cdInfo,
const bool &  _useOppValidityWitness = true 

Calculate clearance information as well as the closest witness approximately or exactly.

_cfgThe configuration to push
_clrCfgPlace holder for the clearance configuration
_bThe boundary
_cdInfoCollision detector information reference
_useOppValidityWitnessWhether the witness should be of opposite validity to _cfg.
Whether a witness was found, if found information will be stored in _clrCfg and _cdInfo.

◆ EdgeClearance()

std::vector< double > ClearanceUtility::EdgeClearance ( const Cfg _c1,
const Cfg _c2,
const WeightType _weight 

Calculate path clearance statistics including averages, mins, and maxes for clearance across the edge

_c1The source vertex.
_c2The target vertex.
_weightThe weight of the edge.

◆ ExactCollisionInfo()

bool ClearanceUtility::ExactCollisionInfo ( Cfg _cfg,
Cfg _clrCfg,
const Boundary *const  _b,
CDInfo _cdInfo,
const bool  _useOppValidityWitness = true 

Calculate clearance information exactly by taking the validity checker results against obstacles to the bounding box.

_cfgThe configuration to push
_clrCfgPlace holder for the clearance configuration
_bThe boundary
_cdInfoCollision detector information reference
_useOppValidityWitnessWhether the witness should be of opposite validity to _cfg.
Whether a witness was found, if found information will be stored in _clrCfg and _cdInfo.

◆ FindApproximateWitness()

bool ClearanceUtility::FindApproximateWitness ( const std::size_t &  _numRays,
std::vector< Ray< Cfg > > &  _rays,
const Cfg _sampledCfg,
const bool &  _initValidity,
const Boundary *const  _b,
std::pair< size_t, Cfg > &  _candidate,
const bool &  _useOppValidityWitness = true 

Helpers for ApproxCollisionInfo (should maybe be protected): Find the witness of an initial sample of any validity. A witness here is defined as the nearest point of obstacle boundary. @TODO Make the user have the option to have same or opposite validity for witnesses.

_numRaysThe number of rays to search for the nearest witness
_raysThe container for the rays, if empty will be populated
_sampledCfgThe sampled configuration to eventually push
_initValidityThe initial validity of the _sampledCfg
_bThe boundary to use
_candidateContainer for candidate witness : _candidate.first is the index of the candidate ray within _rays and _candidate.second is the candidate configuration.
_useOppValidityWitnessWhether the witness should be of opposite validity to _sampledCfg
Whether a witness was found, if successful t he witness can be found in _candidate.second

◆ GetDistanceMetricLabel()

const string& ClearanceUtility::GetDistanceMetricLabel ( ) const

Get the label of the distance metric

The label of the distance metric.

◆ GetExactClearance()

bool ClearanceUtility::GetExactClearance ( ) const

Get whether exact clearance is used or not

Whether exact clearance is being used or not as a bool.

◆ GetNearestVertexWitness()

const bool ClearanceUtility::GetNearestVertexWitness ( Cfg _cfg,
CDInfo _cdInfo,
const Boundary *const  _b 

This function places the nearest vertex of the environment and the corresponding robot vertex into _cdInfo. This function is only used by the exact version of collision info.

_cfgThe sampled configuration to push
_cdInfoThe container for collision detection information. The nearest configuration of the environment (witness candidate) and the point on the robot which corresponds to this config will be stored in _cdInfo if successful.
_bThe boundary to use
The validity of _cfg provided.

◆ GetOrientationResolution()

double ClearanceUtility::GetOrientationResolution ( ) const

Get the orientation resolution

The orientation resolution.

◆ GetPositionResolution()

double ClearanceUtility::GetPositionResolution ( ) const

Get the position resolution

The position resolution.

◆ GetValidityCheckerLabel()

const string& ClearanceUtility::GetValidityCheckerLabel ( ) const

Get the label of the validity checker

The label of the validity checker.

◆ Initialize()

void ClearanceUtility::Initialize ( )

Initialize this object for the current MPProblem. This should reset any internal state of the algorithms so that they are ready for execution. It is also the place to initialize any state that depends on the current problem.

This member will be called for every compiled algorithm in the planning library - even those that will not be used. If an algorithm needs to do expenisve setup, then this method should only set a flag that tells it to do so on first use. The only exceptions are the MPStrategies, which will only have their initialize called on first use.

Reimplemented from MPBaseObject.

◆ IsInitialized()

bool ClearanceUtility::IsInitialized ( ) const

Get whether the object is initialized or not

Whether the ClearanceUtility object has been initailized.

◆ MakeRays()

void ClearanceUtility::MakeRays ( const Cfg _sampledCfg,
const std::size_t &  _numRays,
std::vector< Ray< Cfg > > &  _rays 

Generates the rays for the witness finding. This is a helper function of FindApproximateWitness which will only be called if the _rays parameter passed into FindapproximateWitness is empty.

_sampledCfgThe sampled configuration we wish to push
_numRaysThe number of rays to search for the nearest witness
_raysThe container for the rays generated.
The rays for witness exploration are stored in _rays.

@TODO expand to 3D, and then to N dimensions for uniform distribution: there are only approximate algorithms to do this "fib lattices"

◆ PathClearance() [1/2]

ClearanceStats ClearanceUtility::PathClearance ( vector< Cfg > &  _path)

Calculate path clearance statistics including averages, mins, and maxes for clearance across the path

_pathThe path to use.

◆ PathClearance() [2/2]

ClearanceStats ClearanceUtility::PathClearance ( vector< VID > &  _path)

Calculate path clearance statistics including averages, mins, and maxes for clearance across the path

_pathThe path to use.

◆ Print()

void ClearanceUtility::Print ( ostream &  _os) const

Print the internal state of this object

_osThe std::ostream to print to.

Reimplemented from MPBaseObject.

Reimplemented in MedialAxisUtility.

◆ RoadmapClearance()

ClearanceStats ClearanceUtility::RoadmapClearance ( )

Calculate roadmap clearance statistics including averages, mins, and maxes for clearance across roadmaps, paths, and edges.

◆ SetRobot()

void ClearanceUtility::SetRobot ( Robot _robot)

◆ SetValidityCheckerLabel()

void ClearanceUtility::SetValidityCheckerLabel ( const string &  _s)

Set the label of the validity checker

_sThe label of the validity checker to use.

◆ ValidateCandidate()

bool ClearanceUtility::ValidateCandidate ( const std::pair< size_t, Cfg > &  _cand,
const std::vector< Ray< Cfg > > &  _rays,
const Boundary *const  _b,
const bool &  _useOppValidityWitness = true 

A final sanity check to be performed on the witness candidate. Compares the candidate cfg with the "previous" ticked configuration. The appropriate direction of the tick is dependent on whether opposite validity is true or not.

_candThe information for the candidate witness, has two parts. _cand.first is the index of the ray (within _rays) which lead to the candidate witness. _cand.second is the actual configuration of the candidate witness.
_raysThe vector which stores all rays that were explored.
_bThe boundary being used.
useOppValidityWitnessWhether we are asserting that the witness should be of opposite validity to the sampled configuration.

Field Documentation

◆ abcd

int ClearanceUtility::abcd = 0

◆ m_clearanceRays

size_t ClearanceUtility::m_clearanceRays {10}

Number of rays for approximate clearance.

◆ m_dmLabel

string ClearanceUtility::m_dmLabel {"euclidean"}

Distance metric method label.

◆ m_exactClearance

bool ClearanceUtility::m_exactClearance {false}

Use exact clearance calculations?

◆ m_exactPenetration

bool ClearanceUtility::m_exactPenetration {false}

Use exact penetration calculations?

◆ m_initialized

bool ClearanceUtility::m_initialized {false}

A boolean to determine whether initialize has been called on the utility or not yet. This is important, as there are MPLibrary things we need that are not available at construction time:

◆ m_maSearchResolutionFactor

double ClearanceUtility::m_maSearchResolutionFactor {1}

The search resolution factor.

◆ m_maxRayIterations

size_t ClearanceUtility::m_maxRayIterations

The maximum number of ray iterations.

◆ m_maxRayMagnitude

double ClearanceUtility::m_maxRayMagnitude

How far out a ray will be attempted.

◆ m_orientationResFactor

double ClearanceUtility::m_orientationResFactor {1.}

The orientation resolution factor.

◆ m_orientationResolution

double ClearanceUtility::m_orientationResolution

The orientation resolution.

◆ m_penetrationRays

size_t ClearanceUtility::m_penetrationRays {10}

Number of rays for approximate penetration.

◆ m_positionalDofsOnly

bool ClearanceUtility::m_positionalDofsOnly {true}

Use only positional dofs?

◆ m_positionalResFactor

double ClearanceUtility::m_positionalResFactor {1.}

The position resoluiton factor.

◆ m_rayTickResolution

double ClearanceUtility::m_rayTickResolution

The resolution for rayTicks.

◆ m_robot

Robot* ClearanceUtility::m_robot

◆ m_useBBX

bool ClearanceUtility::m_useBBX {true}

Use bounding box as obstacle?

◆ m_vcLabel

string ClearanceUtility::m_vcLabel {"cd4"}

Validity checker method label.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: